The Scallion

Disclaimer: this online political & social satire webzine is not suitable for the decerebrate (translation: our illustrious bonehead, his benighted administration, neo-ultraconservative Republicans, rabid Catholics, sheep, or their sympathizers) or for readers under age 18. As satirists, we take no responsibility if what we say is dangerously close to the truth. If you're under 18, stop reading this NOW & go turn yourself in to your Mommy for a well-deserved spanking, you no-good little whelp.

Friday, October 11, 2002

Bush Vows to Piss off al Qaeda, Middle East, World’s Muslims, and Everyone Else, for that Matter

October 11, 2002, Washington, D.C. Enthusiastically applauding the Senate’s passage early this morning of the war powers resolution that allows him unilateral authority to bomb the hell out of Iraq, George W. Bush indulged in a triumphant victory dance. “So, I’m gettin’ a little jiggy with it, so sue me,” Mr. Bush drawled between pelvic thrusts and “we’re gonna spank Saddam” war whoops. Upon hearing that ex-President Jimmy Carter, this year’s Nobel Peace Prize recipient, is among those against starting a war against Iraq, Mr. Bush quipped, “So what? He’s not President any more. He was a single-termer, just like my Dad. This is my sandbox now. I’m not gonna be a single-termer!” He added, “Bend over, Saddam—America is gonna spank your brown butt!”

The vote reflected strong Republican backing and a split among Democratic votes. Some key Democrats supported the resolution. “I voted for it even though I’m against it,” said Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (S.D.). “I voted for it, too,” said New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, “We gave the President a big responsibility, but I’m not worried about war at all. W is a big boy, and he should know by now that it’s wrong to fight with all the other little dictators in the neighborhood. And they all know what a licking they’ll get if they make a big mess and leave it for everyone else to clean up.” House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt remarked, “I’m sure the President will tell us what he wants us to know when he wants us to know it. Other than that, I’m pretty much down with whatever W wants to do [in Iraq].”

Despite the strong party-line backing for the resolution, some Republicans opposed it, including Maryland’s Connie Morella (H.R.) and Senator Lincoln Chafee (R.I.). Of the dissenters, the voice of Democratic Senator Robert Byrd (W.VA.) was loudest and strongest. “If that dingbat Daschle had had the least little bit of backbone, we wouldn’t be here tonight dealing with a bunch of bloodthirsty warmongers who want to ram this resolution down our throats. Where’s the hurry? Where’s the threat? Iraq is not cold-war Russia, so quit trying to sell me that cow-pie comparison between W and JFK. Whatever happened to America’s history as a defensive nation, loath to take a first, aggressive strike? This resolution violates every value I hold dear as an American. I am really disappointed with you people.”

Anti-war organizations and coalitions supporting peace with the Middle East are devastated over the passage of the resolution. Groups like Move On banded together with other pro-peace groups, held demonstrations and rallies, and exhorted their members to contact their elected officials. They report their memberships as having made over 140,000 phone calls to Congressional offices, as well as faxes, e-mails, and letters imploring the nation’s leadership to pursue diplomatic alternatives—all to no avail. “They told us that the unusually high volume of calls had prompted Congress to think long and hard about the resolution—before they rubber-stamped it anyway, apparently. They’re not responding to us; they’re responding to Bush. I wonder how much he’s paying them. The voters have no voice,” an anonymous member spat in disgust.

Meanwhile, communiqués from al Qaeda and other anti-American Muslim organizations around the world have been pouring into the media. One message from Osama bin Laden’s headquarters sums up the timbre of the incoming flood of messages: “So, now the cowboys want to take down our Iraqi brothers and stamp our beloved Muslim neighbor nation in their own Western image. It’s not like we needed any more excuse to hate you imperial American pigs for smearing your satanic culture all over our holy lands. But, hey, if you’re going to step up and hand us yet another reason to terrorize you with every weapon in our power, who are we to look the gift horse of your kind offering in the mouth?”

The administration remains nonplussed by the dissenters. “Yessirree, bob,” remarked Mr. Bush with smug satisfaction on the successfully concluded House and Senate proceedings. “America speaks with one voice. OK, so that voice is schizophrenic, and it sounds pretty gosh darned loony-tunes … insane … to the rest of the free world … or anyone with a working brain, for that matter … but that don’t [sic] stop me from interpreting it how I want ‘cause I’m President. Yep, the President is me. Me, me, me, me. Screw you, Al Gore! Gonna be a two-termer, woo-hoo! Boy, that’ll be sweet! But first, I’m gonna find that little Saddam Hussein pansy and tan his skinny little Muslim hide …! That’ll teach him for messing with my Daddy. Yeah … I’ll show him who’s boss …” Mr. Bush paused almost thoughtfully as he resumed his victory dance gyrations.

Monday, October 07, 2002

Zero Population Growth Party Gains Visibility, Foothold

October 8, 2002. A hitherto little-known group calling itself the Zero Population Growth Party, or “Zippy-G” for short, has used unlikely alliances with the religious right to gain media visibility and public support. Surprisingly, if judging solely by the name, the group has joined battle ranks typically reserved for Republican anti-abortionists. Spokespeople from the group, which claims religious fundamentalism as its basis, state that the group intends to support Republican efforts to overturn Roe v Wade. Their goal is to obliterate the reproductive rights of women all over the globe, albeit for very different reasons than those proffered by churches and the religious right.

“In the post-9/11 political climate, they [Republicans] are playing right into our hands,” explained Zippy-G spokesman Johnny Slick. “They want to deny women any and all reproductive control to terminate unwanted pregnancies. This sets up the wonderful precedent that women are not to be trusted to make reproductive decisions regarding their own bodies. This effectively legislates that such decisions are better left in the hands of the state. The beauty of legislating reproduction do’s and don’ts is that it cuts both ways—but it works as long as a woman is denied any control over her own reproductive status. The only difference is who’s controlling the government and what their overarching goals are. Either you are stopping women from having abortions, or you are stopping women from breeding. Judging from the political climate, the right to choose how many children to have when is thoroughly unimportant to American women. So, interested parties must step up and take responsibility for those decisions if women are not willing to make them for themselves. The Republicans and the Zero Population Growth Party are both ready, willing, and able to take on this all-important challenge.

“But that’s where we part paths with the Republicans. Yes, they claim the Bible as their foundation and justification for stripping women of their reproductive rights, but they’ve got the angle totally wrong. Their argument is that Adam was told to be fruitful and multiply and cover the earth, and they figure that, hey, they’re saving babies, and what sicko doesn’t love cute little chubby giggling babies? So, they’ve got it right in one aspect—deny women their reproductive rights—but they’ve totally missed the boat on why. We Zippy-Gs have apparently read the Bible more thoroughly. We base our religious fundamentalism on passages the Republicans—and the Catholics, for that matter—seem to have missed. God told Adam to be fruitful and multiply, yes, but He did not tell Adam to run amuck and completely overrun the place, making rabbits look celibate. God did charge Adam with the responsibility of shepherding and husbanding the natural resources of the planet, which makes needless destruction like arson and sport hunting and fishing evil in the eyes of the Lord.

“Everybody knows that the world is overpopulated right now. There isn’t enough food to feed the poor sick starving children of the third world and developing nations, and there aren’t enough natural resources to put a roof over every head and give every human on the planet an equal chance at a quality of life equivalent to what we Americans enjoy. So, clearly, we are not obeying God’s command to shepherd and husband the world’s resources—we have failed miserably in our mission of stewardship. The world and its population growth are out of control! We must redress the situation, especially before it gets any worse, by arresting the exponential population growth. All nations of the world must learn to nurture and support the population that is already here before we permit even one more baby to be born. Efforts must be made internationally, but we must begin at home. Toward that end, we will ultimately institute government sponsored and controlled sterilization of women. If Americans meekly accept the overturning of Roe v Wade, then our goal of controlling who does and doesn’t reproduce when will not be far behind.”

Dr. Zoe Owens, renowned Ph.D. philosopher and author of such introspectively religious books as “Jesus Holy Christ Almighty,” strongly disagrees with the methods the Zippy-Gs want to use to reach their goals. “I think the Zippy-Gs make some fine points about stewarding the planet’s limited resources. I agree that an unlimited population will overrun these limited resources, and I agree that international population control is absolutely necessary. Personally, I think that any couple who chooses to have more than two children is behaving irresponsibly with respect to society’s present and future needs for the Earth’s dwindling resources. But that doesn’t give me the right to invade people’s homes and bedrooms and dictate to them how and when they must or must not reproduce. The simple fact is that what another person chooses to do is just not my decision. This is true regarding the decision to begin and complete one pregnancy or many pregnancies. It is true regarding the decision to terminate a pregnancy. These decisions by nature are voluntary and must remain so. Since these decisions ultimately affect the lives and bodies of women, the ability to make these decisions must rest solely and securely in the hands of women themselves, without scare tactics—reproductive terrorism—being used against women for the sake of either side of this argument. Both sides must behave responsibly themselves. There is nothing stopping zero population growth-ers or anti-abortionists from disseminating objective educational materials to women around the world—there is nothing stopping them from making their voices heard. But, if they seek to overstep that benign level of involvement, then let them fully understand the implications of their actions. Let them prepare to deal with the fallout of making decisions that are not justly theirs to make.”

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Righteous Dead Surprised at Afterlife

September 28, 2002, lower circles of Hell. With a stunning show of hospitality, Satan granted interviewers the rare opportunity to speak with a choice handful of inhabitants of one of the lower circles of Hell.

As he led the tour downward, the Fallen Angel described the inhabitants of the various regions of the underworld while demons enthusiastically administered the hellfire and torture. “Here are the wasters … blasphemers … minor thieves … coveters … gluttons … you have your deceivers over here, your fornicators over there … oh, don’t look at this lot here on the right; they’re a nasty bunch.” He paused, escorting the group deeper and deeper into the recesses of Hades. “Most people don’t know how far down into the bowels of Hell you have to go before you get to where we keep the hypocrites … and they are even more surprised at the sorts of people who historically inhabit the place … ah, and here’s the group I selected for you to interview. Let me leave you to it for now. Enjoy your stay in Hell—have a nice visit.”

The group in the interview room consisted of dead Catholic priests and popes, moral majority Republicans, televangelists, and others who had publicly cultivated reputations of righteousness during their lives. From the interview room, it was possible to see the countless hordes from which the representative sample of interviewees had been taken. But even the respite of giving an interview did not bring a cessation of brimstone and torture for the damned. Cackling demons tirelessly reheated and drove home their white-hot pokers into screaming, hissing flesh. Many of the priests and popes, and all of the Republicans and televangelists in their fine Italian double-breasted suits, attempted to answer questions while being shaken upside down vigorously by their ankles; grinning demons ran around spitting vitriol into the faces of the damned as they snatched up the well-filled kidskin wallets, Rolex watches, Mont Blanc pens, coins, and other gold and baubles that fell from the interviewees' pockets. Many of the other interviewees attempted frantically to dodge the relentless hail of stones being lobbed continuously from all directions. Miraculously, all the rocks found sensitive targets on the writhing bodies of the damned.

“When I got here, I thought it was a mistake or a sick joke—I mean, I was pope!” one man said as a large rock bounced off his forehead. “I did the ‘papal wave’ from the balcony and said Mass every day for over thirty years for this?!” Another man chimed in, “I’m sympathetic to your plight and everything, but, hey, you were in a position of leadership. You had the power to breathe new life into the Church—to own up to the injustices and hypocrisies of the past. You had the power to usher in a new age of respect and justice for all. But me, hey, I was just a lowly priest—I just did what I was told to do and believed what I was told to believe. My superiors told me that would get me into Heaven, but here I am. I feel so scammed!” Another priest added, “I expected a slap on the wrist for masturbating, but they don’t give a damn about that down here.” Still another piped up: “Hey, at least we were never guilty of philosophizing—that’s too dangerously close to actually, uh, thinking!”

Listening to this exchange was a priest undergoing additional tortures. He described his situation: “Every day, our family jewels get smashed under rocks, burned, sliced, avulsed, and otherwise painfully removed only to re-grow for the next day’s torture. And the torturers are not demons but tourists from Heaven. There’s a free lottery that allows non-white males, all females, and all the abused and molested adults, children, and sheep to come down here every day. They get to crack the nuts of the priests and other men who conspicuously wore holier-than-thou faces in public but who abused, molested, and sodomized the vulnerable while in power.”

At the conclusion of the interview, a demon escorted the press party back to an air-conditioned reception hall where Satan was waiting with refreshments. As the tour group prepared to return to the land of the living, bowing demons presented each member of the party with a souvenir accordion. When asked why he had extended such gracious hospitality to the group, Satan replied, “Just a little advanced advertising, friend. I’m setting up a special circle especially for all my special peeps in the media. We’re planning some fun and games guaranteed to curl your hair—it’ll be a real scream! I can’t wait for y’all to join the party—there’s going to be one Hell of a hot time down here!”

Science According to Bush

September 17, 2002, Washington, D.C. Recent sweeping changes made to science advisement in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are only the beginning when it comes to the makeover George W. Bush has in mind for American science.

Tommy Thompson, Bush’s Secretary of HHS, outlined briefly Mr. Bush’s intentions. “The first step is to recruit experts from industry and place them into all the scientific advisory positions where they can placate everybody that there is no link whatsoever between toxic industrial chemicals and public health issues, like cancer. Oh, it’s not like they’ll actually need to prove that industrial toxic waste is safe for large-scale human consumption; they just have to say that it’s ok for the average American to skinny dip three times a day in a pool of the stuff. That’s good enough for the administration, so it’s good enough for America. The new industrial science advisors will also be in a position to decree that government oversight and regulation of industry is bad for America’s health, mostly the health of the rich industrialists who are friends with W.

“The second thing on the President’s agenda is to indirectly erode women’s reproductive rights. We want HHS to move forward with a plan to treat every embryo like a full-fledged American citizen. Changes like these will really open up public scrutiny into the life of each and every embryo, thus making it far more difficult for the pregnant slut to do with it as she wishes—all of America will be watching her every move. We’re already seriously considering passing a law to make all pregnant sluts wear cameras ‘down there’ so we can watch them 24/7 to make sure they don’t try any funny business that might endanger their embryos. Once some of the preliminary steps to implement an embryo’s rights have been made, we will extend voting rights to all embryos that sign a lifelong pledge to vote Republican. The Republican vision demands for embryos to have more rights than sluts—after all, an embryo might be male. We just want to start making sure everyone treats them that way, and HHS provides yet another inroad to accomplishing the Republican vision.

“We have also assigned experts from American meat and other industries to key scientific advisory positions within HHS. This step is necessary to counter recent research confirming that eating meat is unhealthy and leads to obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and all sorts of cancers. People all over America are worried that animal products are so full of hormones, antibiotics, and fat that they are causing aggressive behavior and attention deficits in children and adults and pushing children into accelerated growth and early puberty. Many American industries are depending on the President to look out after their best interests by assigning scientific advisors who will pat America on the hand and tell people that the healthiest thing they can do is to devour as much beef, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, and dairy products as their fat little tummies will hold. Yes, eating tons of meat and dairy is indeed the best thing Americans can do for the health of the American meat, dairy, medical, and pharmaceutical industries. And, if American industry is healthy, then so is America.

“We also have some advisors on tap to pooh-pooh organic produce and decree that conventional produce is just as safe, nutritious, and tasty as organic. So what if conventional fruits and vegetables are mostly water, devoid of the quality, quantity, and variety of nutrients found in their organic cousins? So what if some Americans complain of the chemical taste imparted by pesticides and industrial fertilizers? If our advisors say conventional produce is good enough for America, then we expect America to buy it. After all, the farm subsidies are already killing us: the last thing America needs is competition.

“The administration’s efforts to rewrite science don’t stop with assigning pro-industry, anti-public-health advisors to HHS. The president fully supports the efforts of our friends in the religious right to rewrite elementary and high school textbooks to suit the Republican vision. The pilot program well underway in Texas has been a resounding success. We fully support dissemination of the religious right’s revision of American and world history to children of all ages. With this approach, we hope ultimately to repeal Roe v Wade and the 19th Amendment simply by teaching history as if these pesky laws had never been passed. Reinstating slavery isn’t out of the question, either, especially if we can open it up to include all women and minorities. We further support the efforts of religious conservatives to teach science according to their chosen dogmas. In more progressive cases, children may be taught evolution and biology as quaint but patently untrue old-fashioned alternatives to creationism, which is God’s unequivocal truth taken literally from the Bible, and everybody knows that every syllable of the Bible constitutes literal scientific truth. This approach will enable the repeal of many irksome physical laws—eventually, we may be able to repeal gravity by teaching children that it doesn’t really exist. True science is too dangerous for the American public: it leads to new technologies that boggle the understanding and challenge the establishment of ethics. Science makes us think, and Republicans hate that! As stalwart, God-fearing Republicans, we refuse to think, and, by God, we’ll be damned if we let anybody else think for themselves on our watch. Therefore, we ultimately plan to phase out science completely in American schools and replace it with Biblical Literalism. These teachings will encourage children to memorize dogmas instead of engaging in subversive pursuits like investigating how the world really works and thinking for themselves. I think the progressive all-religion curricula enforced by the Taliban offer a prime example for American schools to follow. Children must be conditioned to accept the new teachings of Right Wing Revisionist History and Biblical Literalism as absolute fact, and schools will be permitted to employ capital punishment to reeducate any student who resists the new teachings.

“As you can see, Mr. Bush’s highest priority is to rewrite science as needed to allow American industry to make as much money as possible without regard to the health and safety of the American public. The President’s other priority is to rewrite science according to his cherished notions and constituents of the religious right. I think these are priorities everyone can agree with, and the administration’s ‘fox in the henhouse’ method of assigning scientific and other advisors will help implement the new priorities for a better America.”

The Real Reasons Bush Wants War

September 13, 2002, Washington, D.C. Today, sources high up in the administration shared with the press the real reasons that George W. Bush wants war with Iraq. These high-ranking individuals are making the information public in an effort to garner broader support from the American people.

Among those who spoke with reporters today is Vice President Dick Cheney, now back at his desk after a routine cardiovascular check-up. “Well, you can imagine how I felt when George first broached the subject with me of declaring war on Iraq. I was shocked, stunned. ‘For God’s sake, why, George?’ I asked. ‘Retribution for your daddy’s failure to oust Saddam is just not a good enough reason—neither the American people nor the congress nor the UN will buy it. And, frankly, I don’t buy it.’ But, then George explained to me the real reason he wants this war so badly.

“‘You see, Dick,’ George explained, ‘I been hearing a lot of predictions—prophecies, if you will—about this millennium. You see, everything that has ever happened leads up to this present moment, and this present moment leads up to the future. Well, I guess that part is kinda obvious, but stick with me here—I’m trying to make a point. The point is that the way people all over the world live their lives is on the verge of a drastic change, a change brought about by all sorts of upheaval and destruction. And I intend to be part of it and to help make it happen!’

“Well, I was still a little befuddled at this point—horrified, even—but then George handed me some books about the biblical apocalypse and the prophecies of Nostradamus—even some guy named something-Michael Scallion had visions of all kinds of earthquakes and floods and the world map changing drastically from how we know it today. There have been predictions of all sorts of plagues and pestilence, and there have been predictions about the Great Whore, which some people think refers to the Catholic Church. Come to think of it, the recent sex scandals tend to confirm that opinion somewhat. But I think the biggest thing in all these futuristic predictions that influenced George the most was the thing about an East-versus-West war where the lines of battle would be drawn around major religions.

“Now, George didn’t really see how this affected him personally until 9/11, but, then, he realized that ‘East’ didn’t refer to the Far East but the Middle East. And, then, he knew he had to take action. ‘Dick,’ George confided to me, ‘I think this is why I got to be President in the first place. Oh, I know Jeb lent a hand, and I know Dad paid a lot of good people to make my political dream a reality. But I think this is why God let it happen as my family and I had hoped. It was so that, through all my years of reading and studying futurism and its prophecies, I would be prepared to take action against that Iraqi bastard when the time was right because the reasons are right. The world needs this war. Along with all the earthquakes, floods, plagues, and pestilence, this war is going to help the world purge itself so that a new age will arise, and people will have a fresh start to live their lives anew and learn to love everybody and live for peace and sharing instead of war and greed. You and I may not live long enough to see it, but we can at least go to our graves knowing that we helped make it happen.’”

The Vice President paused to wipe what looked like a tear from his eye before he continued. “Well, when he explained it to me like that, I was convinced. I read the books he gave me and passed the word along to Condi Rice and everybody else George knew he could trust with this, his most sacred mission. Bit by bit, everybody in the administration got on board. Most everybody in congress is with us now, too. We just need to do a little more international team building before everything will be in place so we can begin bringing about the future. Not only for America but for the world.”

Bush Pleased with Florida Election Results So Far

September 12, 2002, Miami, FL. Republican governor Jeb Bush continues to survey the Democratic gubernatorial nomination election results with increasing satisfaction. “Things are going just as I had planned,” he purred, eyeing the numbers indicating the now recount-proof lead that Tampa lawyer Bill McBride currently holds over former attorney general Janet Reno in the election. Tallying of remaining absentee ballots and other stragglers are not expected to reverse the situation.

“The Bush family’s top priority is to eliminate every trace of the Bill Clinton White House in post-Clinton politics. We were too late to fix the New York Senate race—who knew Hillary would actually win?—but I’ve been going great guns to toe the family line here in sunny Florida. Of course, nothing but nothing could top the enormous victory of successfully rigging Florida’s election returns to dash Al Gore’s dreams of becoming president while instead putting baby brother into the Oval Office. That was a wonderful idea of Dad’s, since little George wasn’t turning out to amount to much anyhow. But now, he gets to play ‘most powerful man in the world,’ and you can tell he’s having a fine time—he’s really getting into it and enjoying himself.”

When questioned about the obvious discrepancy between these remarks and his official “anger” over this election’s voting snafus, Governor Bush remarked, “Well, of course I had to make it sound like I was angry over all the problems. How would it sound if I told the truth—that we spent millions of taxpayer dollars implementing new high-tech voting machines that were specifically designed not to warm up, to be difficult and confusing to use, and to malfunction at every turn? How would it sound if I didn’t lie about manipulating Florida’s 2000 presidential elections and these latest elections to suit my own purposes? I don’t have to tell you that it would sound just awful. It’d put me in a real bad light.

“Of course, it’s also very true that Gore and Reno didn’t do much to help themselves on the campaign trail. You might say that those elections were theirs to lose. All I did was lend them a helping hand.”

2001 World News Award Winners

September 11, 2002. At a lavish luncheon ceremony earlier today, the heads of the American news media unanimously agreed on the winners of this year’s World News Award, known affectionately as the “Newsie.” The Newsie is a special award granted by the media in recognition of people, places, and things that provide an unforeseen windfall of fodder for the press. For those unfamiliar with the award, President Bill Clinton received Newsie awards for the Monica Lewinsky scandal; for all sex scandals brought forth before and during his presidency; for Whitewater (co-awarded to Hillary Rodham Clinton); for campaign fundraising (oddly enough, Mr. Bush’s superior fundraising efforts haven’t merited a peep in the press); for every accusation and epithet the Republican party could throw at him; for being charismatic, intellectual, and articulate; and for just plain being a Democrat.

The uncontested winners of this year’s Newsie include Osama bin Laden and the three teams of men who piloted American jet planes into American landmarks. An honorable mention was awarded to the team of men who attempted unsuccessfully to fly a fourth plane into an American building but crashed to earth in Pennsylvania. Despite their valiant effort to make news by causing wanton death and destruction, this team forfeited the full award because they allowed themselves to be thwarted by canny passengers.

A spokesman for the awards committee offered the following remarks as the winners’ names were announced: “We in the media have received thousands upon thousands of cards, letters, and e-mails regarding our coverage of the events of 9/11. While we were indeed expecting rich kudos for our sensitive, omnipresent in-your-face reporting, we were surprised to find that the vast majority of the letters were in fact begging us to cease and desist—to let the country and the victims get on with their lives. Actually, it wasn’t so much a vast majority of the letters; it was actually all of the letters. Every last one, actually.

“Nonetheless, in our infinite wisdom, we chose bravely to ignore those pleas. After all, we know for a fact that all Americans are slavish media junkies, and they will lap up like starving dogs whatever dross we set before them, like it or not. Many people who wrote or phoned in vowed not to turn on their TVs or radios or read the news today. That’s a cute gesture, but we know they are all lying. They will tune in just the same because they are compelled to do so, no matter how revolted they claim to be—it is in their blood to seek and revel in the filth we deign to dish out. They will not be able to resist, no matter what they claim to the contrary. They are the users itching for a fix, and we are merely the hapless, helpless pushers. In that role, we treat the American media viewing, reading, and listening public with the same utmost dignity and respect that any worthless, stupid, ignorant, uneducated, twitching, addicted lowlife scum deserves. Yes, we in the media are proud to give Americans the respect we feel they deserve, which means that we expect them to take what we give and like it. We feel honored, nay, mandated to marshal and distribute every tidbit of information to the country as we see fit … for a price.

“Which brings me to the winners of this year’s Newsie award. Because the events of 9/11 erupted into a media bonanza of hitherto unseen magnitude, we of the Awards Committee chose to grant multiple awards to honor each individual who contributed to the media’s resounding success in the following months. Yes, the acts of these committed, selfless men provided the fodder for hours and hours of interviews, for reams and reams of articles, and for reels and reels of documentaries and specials detailing the horrors that the victims and survivors witnessed and must live with every day for the rest of their lives—the gruesome deaths, the grisly maimings, and the wanton, useless destruction of property and innocent people—and how bad we all feel about it. Well, we in the media probably feel less bad about it than the rest of the country—after all, we’ve already been padding our pockets with handsome profits. But this year is only the beginning. The money keeps rolling in from every side—it’s like a gold rush out there. Next year, there will be coffee table books commemorating in 8x10 color glossies the year from 9/11 2001 to 9/11 2002; after that, there will be movies. And, after the movies, sequels. Yes, I can see it now: 9/11 Episode Zero through Twenty-Seven. Maybe even more than that. After that, who knows? In rank defiance of all reason and logic, we’ve been feeding off this putrefying carcass all year. At this rate, we can milk this thing for another ten years at least, unless something better comes along in the meantime.

“But I digress. The real reason we are here today is to honor the men who gave their lives and their freedom to murder innocent Americans. Because of what they have done for the American media and, as a result, for the American people, we honor them today as the heroes they truly are. Their actions demand it, and the American people, who demand this quantity and quality of media filth—I mean, coverage—demand it. We applaud these heroic men and their actions, and we are honored to give them this award which they so richly deserve.”

The speaker’s media colleagues greeted his remarks with thunderous cheers and applause that culminated in a standing ovation. The speaker also received a torrent of rotten apples and tomatoes—not to mention fresh cowpies—flung by carefully stationed representatives of the American media viewing, reading, and listening public who, despite attempts by security to stop them, gate-crashed the event to offer a few dissenting opinions to the speaker’s.

The Newsie award itself consists of a $500.00 achievement prize and a plaque bearing a carefully handcrafted papier-mache newspaper lovingly encrusted with silicone dog slobber. Since all of this year’s winners are either dead or in hiding, the awards committee has decided to declare 9/11 an official perpetual media holiday in their honor. The committee will also post the award plaques where all grateful Americans can enjoy them, such as the ground-zero sites at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In addition, since all this year’s awards were presented in absentia, the committee will generously split the prize pot amongst themselves for a few rounds of golf and a self-congratulatory beer party at the club afterward.

Optional Licenses for SUV Owners and Drivers Now Being Evaluated

August 30, 2002. Across the country, various state motor vehicle agencies have been testing a trial version of an optional driver’s license category for those who own or operate shit ugly vans/vehicles (SUVs). To reflect existing driving habits and attitudes of SUV drivers, the new category, which had previously been slated solely for BMW drivers, has been dubbed the “asshole license.”

“The new ‘asshole’ license category is merely a way for us to formalize already existing driving habits and to set up a paper trail,” remarked Ms. I. B. Dingy of the Stonybrook, NY motor vehicle customer service office as she left for a long lunch break upon perceiving the formation of a long, thick queue of waiting customers at her service window.

But what are those “already existing driving habits” of which Ms. Dingy speaks? This question was more than amply answered by individuals waiting impatiently in line for Ms. Dingy’s return. “Oh, I just love my SUV,” burbled Sandy Snooty of Babylon. “I see it as my license to drive however I please. The minute I get behind that wheel, I just pull out my cell phone and chat with my girlfriends the whole trip—it’s wonderful. Back when I used to drive an ordinary car, I had to look in the mirrors and over my shoulder before pulling onto the LIE [Long Island Expressway]; but, now that I have my SUV, I just pull in whenever and wherever I want. Same thing for changing lanes—why bother looking when I can’t see anything anyway? It’s such a treat—I don’t have to pay attention to anything any more when I’m driving. Honestly, I’d never go back to a regular car.”

Ms. Snooty’s sentiments were echoed by Iva Bigprik, who was standing close-by. “Absolutely! When you’re behind the wheel of your SUV, the road is your plaything. White stripes? Yellow stripes? Lines on the road? Ignore ‘em—hell, it’s just paint. Me, I don’t care what lane I’m in. Why the hell should I pick just one lane to drive in at a time anyway? I want ‘em all!”

C.G. “The Masher” Basher chimed in with this observation: “I haven’t even had my new SUV for six months yet, and I’ve already used it to rear-end a sedan and a sportscar. I even totaled one! Normal-size-car drivers are such losers! Not a scratch on my big beautiful baby—ha ha! Ahh, I live for that addictive, overwhelming surge of power you get when you’re on your phone behind the wheel of your fine SUV bearing down on the buttcrack of some poor stupid Taurus ahead of you …! And the best part is pissing off my sister the environmentalist—she hates SUVs so much that now I own two! An SUV is all I will ever drive ever again.”

Another onlooker added, “SUVs are great! How else can an ordinary guy like me trash the environment and look this cool doing it? God, minivans are chick magnets!!” He paused, “Boy, I just think it’s a riot how they call them ‘mini’vans when they’re not the least bit smaller than, what, ‘regular-size’ vans? I’d like to shake the hand of the genius who thought up this marketing ploy—it kills me!”

Motor vehicle authorities across the nation are also considering a supplemental certificate to the asshole license. If adopted, the new certificate will confer road ownership to all SUV and BMW drivers holding an asshole license so that, when they drive as if they own the road, at least they will be doing so legally.

God Holds Press Conference on 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2002, The Pearly Gates Pub and Eatery, The Pearly Gates, Heaven. On the one-year anniversary of the terror attacks on American targets, God granted a press conference to clarify some issues which have remained unresolved around the world since then.

“First of all, please stop referring to Me as ‘He.’ Remember that one of my most precious Sons referred to me as ‘Daddy’ only to teach His flock that they should learn to love Me as one would a parent. Since the society He lived in was misogynistic, He had to work within those societal guidelines. Otherwise, His message could have been so extreme that it might have been lost upon those who needed to hear Him. His message was that I am loving provider, not vengeful jailer. He never intended to imply that I was inherently male—I am not. I am male, female, and much more than you can imagine: I am all the loving and creative forces within the Universe, and you humans, My beloved Children, are all parts of Me. You each exhibit facets of My being. You are all bits and bobs of My great Body. So, when you look at each other, learn to recognize and focus on the similarities between yourselves and learn to see yourselves as parts of Me. Look at your own body, for example. Does your big toe perceive itself as being superior to the smaller toes? Is your heart more important than your liver or brain? Does one part of your body deserve special rights to the exclusion of other parts of your body? Of course not—each part of the body must work together as a whole for the body to remain healthy and well. So it is with you, My Children.

“Just as I have through the millennia, over the past year, I have watched you. Oh, not from up here in the heavens—these trappings are purely for your comfort, so that you will feel able to identify with Me as I speak. Think of these surroundings merely as a stage set. No, I do not watch My Children from afar. I was there among you, weeping as My Children were injured and fell and died on that horrible day one year ago. Of course, I have walked among you during every accident and natural disaster your planet has ever known, and I embrace all of My Children as they relinquish their mortal shells and open their eyes anew to see My face. But, as your Parent, events like those of this day one year ago in America disturb Me far more than accidents or acts of nature. Oh, don’t think that America is special—I feel equal sorrow when My Children fall victim to terrorism anywhere in the world. It is just that America is a large nation with enough people, money, and power to make a difference. You have the power to reduce, and hopefully eliminate, terrorism around the world. So, I have chosen this day to speak because I wish to appeal to America as an audience. I ask you to take responsibility in any way you can to end the killing.

“Try to see it from My perspective as a Parent. Think of your own children. Suppose one of your children strikes the other. How does that make you feel? Does it not wound you to the heart to see one of your children suffer? But what about the attacker—is that not still your own precious child? What do you do? Do you strike the attacker or forgive without further action? Perhaps both of those options seem extreme to you, since you love both children and wish to slight neither. Perhaps you speak to the attacker, coaching him or her that striking your other child is wrong. Perhaps you invite him or her to apologize and make up the debt with the stricken sibling. If you as a parent can succeed in doing this, then you have acted justly and treated both children fairly.

“But suppose now that one of your precious darling children kills the other. Then, what do you do? Surely, you are in grief and anguish that one of your precious darling children is dead. But do you then murder the other? How would that make you feel?

“Suppose that you had several children. Suppose that one of your children killed another and then was killed by some of your other children. Are you happy that the death of one of your precious children was avenged by the death of the killer? Does that not make the avengers killers, too? How does it make you as a parent feel to see your children fighting and killing each other?

“This is the point. Every being on Earth is My Child—every plant, every animal. I love Them all dearly. Every human is My Child—no matter what religion, race, or sex. No matter whether there is no religion at all—My Children may not know Me, but I know Them. So, the next time you choose to kill other Children of Mine, please think of how you would feel if your own children started killing each other. And please don’t say you’re doing it in My name.

“But that is only part of the story. What about My Children who have died, whether or not by human hands? Rest assured that the Universe follows its own impeccable laws of justice, whether or not you see them in action, and that their lives and deaths do have a purpose—spend time in prayer and meditation and you will grow to see it. So many Americans who claim to be fighting for Me behave as though I didn’t exist. Consider the men and women who want to kill Osama bin Laden and his terrorists; consider those striving to eradicate abortion or euthanasia. They behave as though death is the worst thing on the planet—they forget that death is the gateway to Me. Even when by human hands, throughout history, every man, woman, and child who has ever died was intended to die precisely when and how he or she did, no matter how disturbing it is to Me and some of you. There is a lesson here to be learned: have faith. The Universe is just as it is because it is just as it should be precisely at this moment. You can’t legislate morality. Your Brothers and Sisters must be left to make their own choices just as I leave you to make your own choices. You are free to educate them and to lead by example, just as My Son Jesus Christ did, but there your responsibility ends. Jesus never forced His flock into the fold. He knew that they must make the choice to love Me and come to Me on their own. You must learn to walk away and leave the rest to Me. That’s why I’m God and you’re not.

“You’re a stubborn bunch down there on Earth. Spread the message I have given you today—I hope it sinks in this time. Don’t make Me come down there and flood you people again.”

9/11 – the Year that Was: a Scallion Perspective

It started out as an ordinary Tuesday morning in the Washington, D.C. area, unremarkable, just like any other busy weekday morning filled with the usual plethora of minute tasks requisite for getting to work on time. I was in my car listening to classical music on the radio in my daily ritual of trying to numb the aggravation stemming from a hostile commute. As the denouement of a piece of music yielded to the station’s regular news break, I listened, expecting only the usual snippets of news one needs to remain informed. That was not what I got. Rather, the first words out of the announcer’s mouth after he introduced the news was that the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City had been struck by a jet airliner. Horrified, I jacked up the volume and listened with all my ears, but nothing substantial followed. Soon, I was relegated back to more music and left to contemplate the horror in solitude: had it been an accident? Given the size of the building, it seemed to me more likely that it was a deliberate act of destruction, but by whom and why? Eventually, as I listened and thought, the radio station cut to another news break, during which the announcer repeated the tale of the afflicted north tower. Suddenly, during the news break, the announcer stopped mid-sentence, frantically stating that now the south tower of the World Trade Center had been struck by a jet airliner. “Terrorism” was the only possible conclusion I could draw, but, again, I wondered who and why. As I grimly reflected, I looked around at the other cars on the road with me. Had these other drivers heard? What were they thinking right now? How many people will die from these deeds of wanton destruction? When I arrived at work, I was greeted with screaming e-mails clamoring that the Pentagon and a myriad of other local buildings had been bombed or struck by airplanes. My first thought was for my spouse, who works in a local building that could easily constitute such a target. Expecting only to reach the answering machine, I dialed my home number—to my immense relief, my beloved picked up the phone. Hearing of the local attacks while pulling the car out of the driveway, my clever spouse cleverly decided to pull the car back into the driveway, turn it off, and stay home for the day. Thank God! Confident in the safety of my oh-so-significant other, I turned my attention to my parents, who had been visiting New York City—and I wasn’t sure when they were due to return home. It took me all day to track them down and ascertain that they were safe. My day at work was surreal—people were too stunned to accomplish much, and everybody strained to glean bits of news from whatever sources they could. Once I got home from work, I resumed the search for my parents between glimpses of news programs detailing the collapses of both World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon attack, the attack that Todd Beemer and fellow passengers aborted, and the confirmation that no other attacks had materialized. Finally, I phoned my aunt whose daughter works in the city—this cousin felt and heard the impacts of both attacks and witnessed through her office window the collapse of the south tower. Reassuring me that my parents had set out for home Monday, my aunt recounted what she could while waiting for my cousin to call her. My cousin, along with countless other Gothamites, evacuated her building and was told by police to run. Vast hordes of terrified people all over the city were running for their lives—running from, with no idea where to run to. Nowhere seemed safe. Eventually, toward 7:00 p.m., still choking from acrid smoke and fumes and covered with dust and debris, my cousin found herself sitting on a train still parked at the station and was able to reach her parents via cell phone—the first time all day. Trembling from fear, hunger, and exhaustion, she told her parents she had no idea when the train was leaving or where it was going; my aunt told her to get on it and not worry when or where it stopped—just call us and we’ll retrieve you. That was the call my aunt was waiting for, after 8:00 p.m. by then. What a day! I breathed a prayer of relief and gratitude that I and mine were all safe and sound, but my heart wept in the knowledge that so very many people were not so lucky.

Surely, every American remembers where he or she was on that fateful day when the news first came searing across the airwaves, changing our reality forever. Already a New Yorker by birth, I realized that, that day, all Americans had become New Yorkers and that we, hitherto insulated from such egregious terrorism on our own soil, had become citizens of the world. We finally understood how it feels not to be safe from bombs and terrorism in our own homes, in our own country. We finally understood how those in Northern Ireland feel, how Palestinians and Israelis feel, and how Afghanistanians feel. In true American fashion, the outpouring of generosity in support of the victims, emergency workers, and their families was so overwhelming that aid agencies’ infrastructures nearly burst at the seams trying to handle it all. Also in true American fashion, greed reared its ravenous head as aid scams abounded and the American Red Cross tried to reroute its monetary windfall to causes other than 9/11, enraging donors and onlookers all over the world. It didn’t help that the Red Cross also continued happily to collect blood hand over fist, only to burn it later because of overstocking. Thanks to persisting inefficiency, many victims and families are still waiting to receive all or part of the aid that donors intended for them, even though a full year has now elapsed. Yes, 9/11 was the American Red Cross’s time to shine, if only they had risen to the occasion.

Politically, it is possible that 9/11 could have been handled with less aplomb, albeit not much. America would have fared worse in world opinion if Mr. Bush had gone immediately and unilaterally into Afghanistan with all the bombs he could muster. Fortunately, he did delay, and he did consult with his own advisors and other world leaders. Nonetheless, with all his continuing John Wayne warmongering and saber-rattling, Mr. Bush has convinced many at home and abroad that he is nothing more than an angry little bully in a cowboy suit, itching to pull out his toy guns and have at the Indians. Time and again, he has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he neither understands nor cares to understand the culture of the Middle East. He neither knows nor cares how deeply his words and actions offend a part of the world from which he so desperately needs allies right now. Rather, Mr. Bush is content to play the blind Cyclops to Osama bin Laden’s Ulysses—the crafty, fast, and wily foe has indeed given a black eye to the sluggish, huge, brutish, once powerful, and now emasculated giant. Not exactly the role I’d have preferred for the country’s first court-appointed president.

But what about bombing Afghanistan in the name of Mr. Bush’s holy war on terrorism? Clearly, no civilized nation would fault the U.S. for retaliating—at least, not to our faces. Certainly, NewYork, the families of those injured and lost at the Pentagon and on those four fatal airline voyages, and many angry Americans would have been outraged at anything less. But that doesn’t make it right. What could be more hypocritical than for Mr. Bush, who claims to be a devout Christian, to eschew the turn-the-other-cheek code of Christ and embrace the eye-for-an-eye code of Hammurabi? (Sadly, he was not the only unchristian Christian in the mix—many leaders in the Catholic Church here and abroad came out in favor of retaliation. Since then, the Church has continued to show its true colors.) Furthermore, one must consider not only the goals of such retaliation but also a realistic assessment of what actually can be gained. Would bombing Afghanistan make Americans feel better? Perhaps some, but at what cost to future diplomatic relations with the Middle East? Would it indeed be possible for American forces to capture or kill bin Laden? No—at least, not without a lot of inside help and a lot of almost impossibly good luck. Why? Because bin Laden and his colleagues spent years planning not only the attacks but also their own escapes. Because their hideouts are on familiar soil among friendly nations. Because America’s history of foreign policy and actions in the Middle East instantly made bin Laden and his fellow terrorists regional heroes—receiving fame and adulation from the adoring masses in similar type and quantity to that received by American rock stars—and a generation of Middle Eastern children is being taught to worship these heroes and disdain the Americans they attacked as being less than human and somehow deserving of their fate. Because, in true American short-attention-span fashion, it would be more likely for leaders of the U.S. forces to declare the war won and call the troops home before actually completing what they set out to do. Many among my friends and family congratulate the American armed forces in taking down the Taliban and a fair chunk or two of al Qaeda. However, I am not convinced. I am not convinced that bombing, violence, and more killing were needed to accomplish these objectives. Even once I see how thoroughly and ethically America helps set up democratic government in Afghanistan, I may never be convinced that these so-called accomplishments were necessary or beneficial to the beleaguered people of Afghanistan, who right now are largely at the mercy of squabbling warlords. Ultimately, retaliation purely for its own sake must fail, and the single greatest reason is that mere retaliation does not address the causes—only by understanding and remedying the causes of 9/11 can America hope to prevent such attacks in the future.

In a dystopic article on World War III recently published in the Scallion, a brief history of America’s interaction with the Middle East was outlined (if you haven’t read that article yet, go read it now … conserve keystrokes [mine]). Of course, it is impossible to condone the mass murder of innocent Americans that was perpetrated on 9/11; however, that does not mean that American leadership are exonerated from blame. Additionally, I and many other patriotic Americans strongly feel that the answer to violence is not more violence. One year ago, I and others like me wrote piles of letters and signed miles of petitions in the hopes that we could prevent the violence and death in Afghanistan that ultimately followed. We were certainly in the minority then, and, given the perceived successes claimed by the administration, we probably still are. Even so, consider the following. America is undoubtedly the most powerful nation on the planet. Undoubtedly, we have enough weapons to bomb whomever to kingdom come. We have assuaged our rage by bombing Afghanistan, but we have not destroyed al Qaeda or bin Laden. To complete either of those objectives, even a year after the terror attacks, we will still be in for a long, difficult campaign in which our determination and focus must not flag for an instant—not the kind of effort in which America historically succeeds. As it stands, America is busily perpetuating and expanding the Middle Eastern foreign relations nightmare it began some forty years ago. At this rate, it will take equally many generations to clean up the mess and make friends again. Pretty sad, considering that the only reason we were ever involved over there in the first place is oil (which is running out anyway). Only the future will show if Mr. Bush’s actions were correct. But suppose that America had not answered violence with violence. Suppose that our leaders had realized that the nation must root out the causes of the attacks and address them. What would this have meant? America’s leadership would have had to own up for diplomatic mistakes of the past; the administration would have had to admit how much of the nation’s policies and actions are motivated by oil interests; and the nation would have had to develop and implement a plan to remedy the problems that America caused or ignored. We would have had to begin working with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern nations first to learn their culture and then to effect modernization and to educate their people, teaching them and their children to focus on the similarities between themselves and their Western counterparts, rather than seeing cowardly murderers as heroes and innocent Americans as weak, decadent, sub-human animals whose lives center on hedonism … incapable of heroics or noble virtues … living in fear of death. Instead of exporting the worst America has to offer, business and media would have had to retool to paint a more positive picture of us abroad. Perhaps, out of awe and respect for our choice not to murder more innocents (especially Islamic innocents), Middle Eastern nations might have reconsidered their opinion of us as the Great Satan—perhaps some nations might have voluntarily rooted out the Taliban, al Qaeda, and bin Laden themselves in a gesture of good faith in thanks for our decision not to invade their soil further. Perhaps, instead of sheltering the terrorists, the Middle East would have expelled them, knowing that Islamic and Western nations have more to gain from cooperating than fighting. Perhaps the entire war on terrorism could have been won by now via nonviolent means. Would this all have been possible? Perhaps, perhaps not. We will never know because we never tried.

Here on the homefront, America has undergone some definite changes, some scarier than others. Most of us patiently submit to the increased security we encounter either in our jobs or on the road; we can only hope that the relatively minor inconveniences are really doing some good to protect us and our loved ones. More frighteningly, many long-established civil rights have fallen prey to Mr. Bush’s war on terror, and many more will fall before the smoke clears: the slippery slope has already been paved to decimate the civil rights of the poor, the disadvantaged, and women. Less scary than disturbing is how the media have handled this news bonanza from the get-go. When I got home from work on 9/11, I saw part of the footage of the collapse of the south tower of the World Trade Center. In days following, once I had seen the full footage twice, and decided that that was enough, I changed the channel each time they began to play that awful footage. I still find it too gruesome to sit through. Yet, one full year later, it is still being shown as part of the continuing media blitz. Never were the media in a stronger position to glorify, romanticize, and blow completely out of proportion a recent human tragedy than after 9/11, and, boy howdy, did they come through for us on this one. The average TV-watching or radio-listening American still can’t tune in for more than a few minutes without being reminded at least once of the tragedies of that fateful day. The airwaves are infested with the stuff. And all the hype that immediately followed the terror attacks is nothing compared to the media circus planned for us before, during, and after the one-year anniversary of the media’s precious, if grisly, holiday. None of this will bring back the dead or heal the maimed. All this makes me wonder: has anyone in the media considered for just one moment how all this hype is affecting the surviving victims and their families? Does anyone care that these people might just want to get on with their lives free from the constant reminders of the tragedy they witnessed? Does anyone in the media have an ounce of respect for these beleaguered survivors, or, indeed, for the viewing and listening public? Not likely.

Nearly one year to the day after 9/11, for the first time since the terror attacks, I found myself driving past the New York City skyline, now denuded of its familiar, spectacular dual reference point of the World Trade Center towers. Once again, as it hasn’t for two generations, the Empire State building stands as the skyline’s zenith. I found the view eerie, surreal. Today, the skyline shines like a gap-toothed smile—for all the beauty that remains, something devastating is missing. I dearly love the Empire State building, which, to me, is far more a symbol of New York City and America than the World Trade Center was. I have gazed many times from its dizzying heights down upon the historic bridges and boroughs of New York. But I can not help but wish with all my heart that the World Trade Center towers will be rebuilt in all their original grandeur, splendor, and glory and restored to their rightful place as the crown jewels of Gotham’s skyline. Will it ever happen? In present-day America, I sincerely doubt it. Perhaps we just aren’t special enough any more to deserve such beautiful, elegant skyscrapers.

One year after 9/11, I continue to analyze and lament the follies of the government, the media, and other powerful movers and shakers in America. Although my letters and petitions have been fruitless, I continue to write because none of us can afford to take the attitude that we have “better things to do” … better things than what, to strive for a better future for ourselves and our children? What could possibly be more important than that? One year after 9/11, I continue to buy and wear America’s red, white, and blue, not because of what this country is but because of what it could be—what we all can be. For everyone’s sake, here and around the globe, I sure hope we can find and step onto the correct path soon.

Catholic Church Imposes Population Control Standards on its Flock

September 9, 2002, Vatican City, Rome. In a landmark decision handed down by Pope John Paul II today during high mass, which the pontiff celebrated from his usual balcony in his lush apartments, Roman Catholics all over the world will now be expected to conform to a new standard of population control. He began his address to the eager crowd with some expository remarks regarding the Church’s prevailing attitudes on human sexuality.

“My children, hasn’t it ever seemed odd to you that, week after week, priests rant, rave, and froth at the mouth about abortion without ever seeming to give a single thought to the fact that, if we could prevent unwanted pregnancies to begin with, we wouldn’t have to worry about abortions? Doesn’t it seem as though safe, reliable birth control would constitute an ethically acceptable option to creating unwanted pregnancies? Haven’t you ever wondered why priests at Sunday Mass never sermonize about chastity and sexual abstinence?

“Yes, we all know that women are the impure scourge of the earth and that they are to blame for every pestilence on the planet. We all know that they are solely and single-handedly responsible for each and every pregnancy that occurs and that it’s just tough boogers if they don’t like getting stuck raising all those children and putting them through school and whatnot. But there’s more to it than that. In recent years, I’ve received letters from concerned parishioners around the world decrying the apparent double standard the Church underhandedly promotes regarding the sexual behavior of men and women—women are denounced as whores of Babylon for expressing even the tiniest iota of sexuality while men are tacitly encouraged to boink as many bimbos as they can get their hands on as early and often as possible. Well, it is true that, by both its actions and its omissions, the Church encourages men to ‘get some’ every chance they get. But calling it a double standard is a filthy lie! The Church is not an unreasonable, unyielding entity. We do expect laymen to behave with the same chastity and sexual saintliness as men of the cloth, and since men of the cloth clearly can’t be trusted to keep their robes down, then how on earth could we expect laymen to keep their zippers up? After all, isn’t that why they’re called them laymen?

“My beloved children, here is the point. Abortion is evil. Safe, reliable birth control is evil. Women are evil, and giving them any form of self-determination only bestows upon them a false, undeserved dignity and woefully teaches them to view themselves as equal children of God and deserving of basic human rights. Well, women are not human. They are merely the toys and objects of the men they are fated by God to serve. Therefore, granting them human-like rights is just plain nuts. But I digress. Abortion and birth control are evil not only because they aim to give women a modicum of control over their bodies and lives but mostly because they stop or prevent babies from being born. In this sense, chastity also prevents babies from being born—therefore, chastity is also evil in the eyes of God and His Church, and that’s why you will never hear a priest teaching chastity at Sunday Mass.

“Perhaps, now, you are beginning to see where I am leading with respect to the Church’s new policy on population control. God’s One Holy Church does intend for there to be population control all over the world. Our primary goal is to embrace all the world’s religions under the aegis of ours, God’s true Church. Our secondary goal is for all women everywhere—as Catholics—to spend their lives barefoot and pregnant. We want every woman from the onset of menarche to the termination of menopause to bear as many children as physically possible. This means that, over an average lifespan of forty years as a useful childbearing appliance, the average woman is mandated by God and Church to produce fifty-three and one-third children. The minute she gives birth, a woman must submit herself to a male to become pregnant again. Statistically speaking, half of the children will be female, allowing the cycle to continue anew. Only this population growth policy will produce the world population of Catholics that God desires, and we of the Catholic Church will mold, teach, and control that population, bending it to our will and image. Behold the Church’s new standard for population control … and worship it unquestioningly.”

Hollywood Jails Graduate for Software Violation

September 6, 2002, Rockville, MD. A recent graduate of the Johns Hopkins University biomedical engineering doctoral program was led away yesterday evening in handcuffs by police for software infractions cited by attorneys for the entertainment industry.

Entertainment spokesman I. B. Jurquadd alleges that the graduate in question failed to install Hollywood-sanctioned, federally mandated trapdoors into the software she developed for her dissertation while still a student. “We don’t care if her project was biomedical signal processing, whatever that is. We don’t care that it has nothing to do with music, media, or entertainment. So what if her software was a prototype with extremely limited market appeal and use? So what if it had more application to academia than normal people? The point is that she didn’t install the trapdoors that would let us get in at our convenience and manipulate things to our liking. She broke the law. This is an open-and-shut case, and we plan to throw the book at her. If we don’t start making an example of these vicious criminals, then the entertainment industry will have thrown away all the hard-fought victories so graciously bestowed on us by President Bush and other proponents of big business at the expense of the American public. The entertainment industry must enforce control over all aspects of technology and software in this country if we are to survive.”

The graduate, Dr. Imannocuous, was stunned over finding herself under arrest. “It’s just my doctoral dissertation project, for pity’s sake—software I wrote using MATLAB. We were just analyzing some of the human body’s electrical signals that can be detected by surface electrodes, like EEG, ECG, and EMG. It’s no threat to anyone, and we were hoping that it ultimately could be used to save lives. Those entertainment types wouldn’t understand even the most fundamental basics of the project. Nor would they have the slightest clue what the software does or what its results mean even if I had installed their stupid trapdoors and they had somehow found their way in. These morons are trying to control things they can never hope to understand, and for what? To keep honest people from earning an honest living, that’s what. That’s what you get when you let the non-technologists of entertainment and government have their way with things that are better left to those who have a clue.”

Representatives of the university could not be reached for comment.

It is unclear at this point whether, if found guilty, Dr. Imannocuous will face fines, jail time, or both.

Bush Vows to Fight Pollution

September 5, 2002, Washington, D.C. In a press conference from the Oval Office, Mr. Bush outlined the administration’s latest plan to fight pollution all over America.

“Well, you see, there’s actually quite a lot of pollution where you wouldn’t expect it in our great nation’s wild habitats. Like all those forests, they’re all polluted with trees and stuff. And that causes icky dirty bitey animals with nasty big pointy teeth and forest fires and stuff. So, to protect the natural beauty of our nation’s forests and parks, my advisors have assured me that the best plan of action is to set up some federal funding for those nice logging industries and see if we can’t convince them to cut down all those nasty bad trees and haul off the evil logs. And we’ll open all those lands to hunters and fishers and pay them for all the bad animals and fish they can kill and haul away. Then, maybe once all that bad pollution is out of the way, we can scare up some more federal funding for the friendly developers to build some nice shiny new office buildings where all those nasty trees and animals used to be. Then, our national forests and parks will really be something to be proud of. I mean, if it’s some ornery kind of plant or animal I ain’t trying to grow on my ranch, then it’s got no place in our great nation’s wild habitats.

“And, then, you know, all that swamp land, like in Florida and Louisiana, well, that’s all polluted with water. Water, bad … attracts mosquitos with West Nile virus, you know. And nobody wants that. So, we’ll raise a few more taxes on low- and middle-income folks—they won’t mind—and pay some more friendly developers to drain out all that bad nasty water. And, maybe if we’re real nice to them and pay them some more, they’ll fill in all that smelly old swamp land with nice clean dirt and rocks and concrete and build more shiny new office buildings. Then, America will have the prettiest swamps you ever did see.

“Our nation’s desert areas are also badly polluted. I mean, did you ever see so much sand? Bad nasty gritty old sand. Our deserts will benefit if we get rid of all that evil sand, so my advisors and I have come up with a plan to strip mine all the deserts. Eradicating the sand from our great nation’s deserts will be a real victory for the American people.

“The last frontier of rampant pollution in America is in pristine, undeveloped Alaska. And you know what’s polluting Alaska? Snow! You may not know this, but much of Alaska is covered by snow, sometimes even all year. And my advisors and I, well, we thought and we thought, but we couldn’t come up with a way to get rid of all that bad nasty cold pure white immaculate clean snow. I mean, you could shovel it up with great big huge shovels and haul it away, but it’d come right back—I mean, not the snow you just hauled away but new snow. So, finally, my good friends in the oil industry came up with a great solution I know you’ll like. Listen to this—are you ready? So, here’s what my nice oil friends want to do. See, they want to drill big deep holes all over the snow so that the snow will fall into the holes. At first, I didn’t get it—I thought, ‘Hey, what happens to what’s under the snow? You have to get rid of the stuff under the snow so you can make the holes so that the snow that falls into the holes has somewhere to go.’ You follow what I mean? Heck, I’m not even sure I know what I mean. Anyway, if we give them some federal funding, my nice oil friends have agreed to haul away whatever’s under the snow so that the snow can fall into the holes. Great idea, huh?”

Mr. Bush beamed, “Yes, I’m really happy and excited about the administration’s plans to work with the logging, building, and oil industries to clean up pollution all over America. You know, these industries are always getting a bad rap, but Americans will finally see that they’re not such bad guys after all and will soon grow to love them as much as I do.”

Obituary: the Adverbial Form

August 20, 2002. The adverbial form of the American English language was laid to final rest today after a brief memorial service attended by friends, family, and other surviving parts of speech. Once familiar as the part of speech that modified verbs and other modifiers, the adverbial form was frequently distinguished by the “ly” at the end, although the ci devant modifier enjoyed plenty of irregular forms as well.

Setting the date for today’s memorial was delayed by an autopsy stemming from a lengthy murder investigation in which it was determined that the adverbial form died its untimely death at the hands of many, including schoolteachers, politicians, writers, and celebrities like “Hometime” co-host Robin Hartl. “I always say that something fits ‘real good’ or fits ‘tight’ … it would take too much effort to be correct and say that something fits ‘really well’ or fits ‘tightly’—who has the time? Besides, I thought it was cool. I mean, I didn’t want to sound intelligent,” Ms. Hartl sobbed as she was escorted away in handcuffs by police and ushered into the rear seat of a waiting police cruiser.

Surviving parts of speech who attended today’s memorial services were grateful and relieved that at least one offender would be justly punished. “Ms. Hartl will probably have to take a mandatory public service grammar class,” said the adjectival form. “It may be a long, hard, humiliating journey for her, but it will be a lot easier for us to listen to her once she gets out—hopefully, we’ll all be able to stop mentally editing and correcting her.” The adjectival form also expressed deep anguish over the heavy burden of overwork imposed on her by speakers and writers who insist on using adjectives to modify verbs and other modifiers. “We’ll all miss the adverbial form—I don’t think anyone realized just how industrious and hard-working he was, how necessary to the flow and understandability of our language. I never thought he’d actually die and leave me to pick up the pieces all alone …” the adjectival form burst into tears as the gerund led her gently away, saying that, as well as serving adverbial functions, the adjectival form is under additional strain to perform as an object in such advertising slogans as “Eat fresh” and “Breathe friendly.” “One must wonder who writes these slogans. While ‘friendly’ can be used as an adverb, the slogan doesn’t make it sound like one. I guess the average American wouldn’t understand ‘Breathe amicably,’ even if it sounds more sensible. On the other hand, ‘fresh’ is clearly not an adverb, so it can’t be intended to modify the verb ‘eat.’ That can only mean that the advertisers intend us to understand ‘fresh’ as an object even as they make ‘friendly’ sound like one,” the gerund remarked. “Personally, I’d rather eat ‘food’ and breathe ‘air’ myself.”

The eulogy at today’s service was “LY,” sung by a Tom Lehrer impersonator.

Bush Strategies Working on Women

August 26, 2002, Washington, D.C. In a press conference from the Oval Office, the Bush administration updated the progress made since it recently unveiled its new policies on putting women back in their place.

Mr. Bush offered a brief statement to the press: “Our school waiver program is poised to lower educational standards for everyone, since private schools must now accept students regardless of achievement or ability. This has been a wonderful success story for the American people. But we’re also attacking the root of the problem: we have to eliminate all forms of self-determination in women’s lives; otherwise, they’ll expect to exercise the right to make basic decisions for themselves. We’re already on track for eliminating women’s reproductive rights by phasing out late term partial birth abortion, the first of many new regulations and restrictions. We’re instituting more and more restrictions and regulations on birth control, too, to make it harder and harder for young and poor women especially to have any control whatsoever over their reproductive status. My friends in the Moral Majority have been working overtime to keep sex ed out of the classrooms—if schoolchildren are educated about sex, they will begin to understand it, and it will lose its glamour and the taboo appeal it gains from mass media. The world just won’t be right until all girls who menstruate for the first time think they have somehow sprung a leak and all women learn about sex only from the men who boink them. My friends in meat farming industry have worked long and hard to ensure that the high meat and dairy diet American girls eat is so loaded with estrogen and other hormones and chemicals that girls today reach puberty years before their grandmothers did. This way, they can get an early start on being boinked and getting pregnant: when they’re that young, they just don’t understand the ramifications—my, that’s a big word—of sex and are easier targets. The bottom line is that we must keep women of all ages barefoot and pregnant—success in this venture means keeping women out of the schools and the job market, thus creating more opportunities for men and maintaining and increasing the gender gap. This will go a long way toward reestablishing the good ol’ boys’ clubs men cherished in my youth, and it will give our nation a firm foundation for overturning those silly old laws on equality that nobody follows anyway. Women should act like the stars my favorite reality TV shows: the zany redhead in ‘I Love Lucy,’ Laura Petrie in ‘The Dick van Dyke Show,’ and maybe even ‘I Dream of Jeannie’—screw burkas, let’s make American women prance around in skimpy harem outfits, at least if they’ve got the jugs and aren’t too fat. Our ultimate goal is to get back to the point where women rely on the men who own them to tell them what to wear, what to say, what to think, and what to have ready for dinner and when. Oops, I probably wasn’t supposed to say that last part aloud—just pretend you didn’t hear it.”

However, the Bush administration has ambitions beyond the transformation of women into Stepford wives. Indeed, an overarching campaign to eliminate all intelligent thought in America seems to be at hand, as revealed in this remark from Mr. Bush: “With big entertainment and big food at my side, America has already begun to revel in a new golden age of bread and circus so lavishly unhealthy and extravagantly mind-numbing for the masses that, in retrospect, it will put ancient Rome to shame in its excesses. But, hey, why stop there? I mean, if the world is a global village and I’m the most powerful man in it, then what’s to stop me from molding rest of those heathen savages out there according to my standards?”

Anti-abortion Demonstrator Gets Unwanted Baby

August 20, 2002, New York, NY. Several weeks ago, a young pregnant inner city woman who wishes her real name not be used (we’ll call her “Mary”) was on her way into the local women’s clinic when she was accosted by an anti-abortion demonstrator. “I’m a soldier of Christ, and I’m here to fight for your baby," Mary said the woman told her. “Well, I didn’t want no fight, so I asked her her name and phone number and could I call her for advice.” The demonstrator did give Mary her name and number, and Mary called her several timed throughout her difficult pregnancy. When asked what happened after the baby’s birth, Mary replied, “Well, I sure didn’t want this kid. I don’t even know who its father is. So, I used reverse look-up to find the lady’s address from her phone number and dropped the baby off at her house, since she wanted it so bad.”

Mary offered no further comments since she was in a hurry to move out of town.

When the demonstrator found the baby on her doorstep, she was stunned but delighted. “I love babies, born and unborn. Of course, the unborn ones are a lot harder to play with, unless they come out prematurely, but then they’re all squishy-looking for a while,” the sudden new mom beamed. “Even though I already have twenty-three precious children, I just couldn’t be more thrilled with my new bundle of joy, and I can hardly believe Mary’s generosity in giving him to me. Oh, I know the poor thing’s all tweaked out on crack. I know he’s got AIDS. I know he’s been diagnosed with all manner of mental and physical disability from all the drugs, alcohol, and tobacco his mother used while she was pregnant. And I can’t even tell what his ethnic background is except that it’s not mine, that’s for darn sure. But children are a gift from God, so how could I refuse?”

But seriously, folks ...
(This is the only part of The Scallion's site where we remove tongue from cheek long enough to tell it like it is! OK, so we may get a little silly here and there ...)

The Watchdog's Corner
These are vendors we've had major issues with in the past. Legal concerns prevent us from disclosing the details. We may set up a question drop-box once The Scallion has moved to its permanent home.
Foamount, Shady Side, MD
State Farm

Bottom line: check out the Better Business Bureau ( and related resources early and often, folks! It may not solve everything, but it can save you some heartache in the end (or is that "end ache in the heart"?!??)

Skeptic Watch
BEWARE of skeptic websites, organizations, and individuals who merely gainsay concepts they do not understand. Remember: the word "skeptic" comes from the Greek for "thoughtful" and "to look or consider"—it does not mean "to dismiss out of hand." Beware of pseudoscience offered in lieu of proof/disproof: unless the investigator understands that which s/he sets out to dis/prove, the investigation itself is probably meaningless. "Science" does not equate to "blindly dumping all over the unknown and/or unseen"—rather, the true scientist investigates for him or herself. Use your brain—hit the library; surf the web; find out for yourself!

Quackwatch Watch
Beware of Stephen Barrett, M.D.! He has nothing to offer against the assertions of alternative medicine except assertions of his own! No details, no proof—just his word against theirs. Remember: he is a Medical Doctor and a product of the AMA. These people only get paid when their patients get sick. How would the practice of medicine change in this country if doctors were only paid while their patients remained well? Don't believe him, friends, just because he says so—use your brains and find out for yourselves!

The Raw Food Corner
Coming soon: a list of raw food resources and, if possible, sample raw food daily "menus" to ensure that minimum RDAs for essential nutrients are met. Until then, check out Living and Raw Foods ( and Hallelujah Acres ( Both are excellent raw food resources and great places to start when you're ready for a biologically appropriate diet. The Hallelujah Diet is a great first step toward going raw; even if you stop there, it would be very surprising if you don't find yourself in much better health than is possible on the SAD (Standard American Diet).

The Blithe Spirit's Corner
Coming soon: a list of spiritual resources to help you find your way to health, happiness, and enlightenment despite everything going on around us!

Nudity Proponents Seek Reality in the Media

August 17, 2002, Hollywood, CA. Writers, producers, and other entertainment professionals agree that it’s high time to foster cultural reality when presenting nudity in the media.

In a recent interview, a director said, “Everyone in Hollywood knows that women aren’t really so hot to rip off their blouses and brassieres and expose their bare boobs for all to see. Heck, if you ever attended filming of a nude scene, you’d know what I mean—most actresses are very nervous and self-conscious. It’s something they do reluctantly; they’re not at all lusting to rip their clothes off in front of mostly male directors, cameramen, actors, stage crew, and so on. But they’re stupid enough to do anything as long as they get paid for it. What price dignity? Ha, you can buy it at the bargain basement. Even the science and medical programs have gotten into the act of showing titties because they can, because they know they can pay women a few peanuts and get them to show off their jugs.”

A producer agreed: “Hollywood has been an all-boys club that’s indulged in feeding its sexual fantasies for decades. It’s not fair that we’re always showing hooters. I mean, women don’t care about seeing hooters—if a woman wants to see hooters, all she has to do is look down at her own two. Geez, we’ve been completely ignoring the interests of half of our viewing population here! If we’re going to continue to show hooters, and I don’t see any reason why not, then we absolutely need to show some dicks, weenies, johnsons, dongs, schlongs, bricks, pricks, pocket mice, and one-eyed trouser snakes. If male viewers get to see hooters, then females should at least get to enjoy some beefcake.”

The results of a landmark meeting on nudity in the media were unanimous. The familiar “R” and “Y-14” ratings have been modified to allow showing penises in various states of flaccidity and erection as long as certain forms of contact between male and female aren’t explicitly shown. No modifications are proposed to the warnings and disclaimers already in use for scientific and medical programming. Specifically, the new guidelines state that, in each TV program or movie produced starting 2004, at least one naked penis will be shown for the same duration as each naked breast; nude men will be shown in scenes with women who remain fully clothed; and the respective propensity for each sex to rip its clothes off in private or public will be represented more accurately. “Men are really quite the little nudists here, not women,” said one film executive. When asked if female genitalia were also fair game under the new guidelines, the executive replied, “Oh no, we don’t need to show bush. That would be boring—we get enough bush in the news!”

In a related movement, Hollywood is attempting to revolutionize the advertisement of feminine hygiene products by introducing hitherto unheard of tact, respect, and dignity. Instead of the cute little red bouncing dot that encourages bridesmaids to throw themselves at DJs who are total strangers, TV viewers can soon expect to see respectful and discreet offers to ship discreetly labeled packages to women’s homes, thus sparing women not only from the embarrassment of viewing the denigrating ads—which have ruined the mood of many a teenage date—but also from the loathed task of shopping for the brightly colored boxes of hygiene supplies. As a spokesman for Kotex remarked, “It’s time we treated women like people. I only hope they’ll forgive us for our treatment of them in the past and continue to buy our products.”

Nationwide Baby Drop Movement Gathers Momentum

August 12, 2002, Washington, D.C. In response to growing pressure from the Republican party and religious groups to continue unwanted pregnancies, women are striking back. "It isn’t right," said an anonymous teenage woman, "These people have no idea who I am or what my life is like, yet they claim to be better equipped than me to tell me how to run my life and what to do with my body." A male onlooker agreed, "It’s true—people inside and outside government want to run your life but only to the extent they feel comfortable. They want to mandate pregnancy—and motherhood, if given half a chance—without the least concern for how the woman will feed herself, let alone her child, not to mention how subhuman their quality of life might be. But that’s not even the half of it. What really galls me is the huge hypocritical double standard of behavior for the rich—or for men. Look at the Bush girls—if one of them wanted an abortion, they’d have the money to go anywhere in the world they wanted and get one. Young women and poor women just get screwed! But boys have it even easier. Look at the Catholic Church, for example. Do they teach chastity to teens? Of course not—they just yell and scream and rant and rave about abortion, abortion, abortion … oh, and the evils of birth control. It’s as if women become pregnant through masturbation—in a lifetime of Sunday masses, I never even once heard them as much as hint that a man must be involved if a pregnancy is to occur. And the so-called morally-minded in government are no better—like, when’s the last time you heard of legislation mandating that a teenage boy notify his parents before knocking up some poor girl? You don’t! But you hear all the time about teenage women having to notify their parents before terminating an unwanted pregnancy. It’s just not right, and it’s not fair. You can’t tell me that women don’t deserve as many rights as I have because I’m male."

Even though Roe v Wade stands intact—for the moment—a woman’s self-determination, even when she wants to give up a baby for adoption, is not guaranteed. Consider legislation recently passed in Florida: "father unknown" no longer suffices to facilitate an adoption, even when the woman really doesn’t know who her baby’s biological father is. Before she can give up her baby for adoption, the new law mandates a woman to place an advertisement in local newspapers, stating her name, age, address, sexual partners by name, the date of the baby’s conception and birth, and other highly personal, sensitive information before any adoption can take place. Republican state legislators sneer that this isn’t invasive at all—it is "merely" intended to allow biological fathers to step in and take custody of their progeny. The reality, however, is that the new law forces more and more women to turn to abortion rather than wear the legally mandated scarlet letter on their heads. And the Bushies and their supporters are on the warpath to drive out abortion as well.

This growing sense that women are on the verge of losing every right to reproductive self-determination is causing a quiet panic across the nation, not only in women but also in educated, fair-minded men. Because so many people share the sentiment of self-determination and sovereignty over one’s own body, a massive nationwide movement is well underway to give the religious so-called right maybe a little more than it wants. Dr. Zoe Owens, Ph.D. philosopher and author of such introspectively religious books as "Jesus Holy Christ Almighty," described the thinking behind the movement this way: "Just because I want to preserve the right to choose doesn’t mean I necessarily want, have ever had, or will ever have an abortion in my lifetime. I simply don’t want other people who have no right to dictate to me to be able to tell me what I or my female relatives or friends can or cannot do. Yet, these people are fixated on doing exactly that—forcing women at all costs to continue with unwanted pregnancies. So, if these people are so superior to the rest of us—if they feel so highly qualified to dictate what we can do with our lives and our bodies—then, surely, they must feel better equipped than we to rear the unwanted children we have. After all, they want these children when we don't. And they want them badly enough to kill for them—to mow doctors and nurses down with machine guns and to bomb women’s clinics. I think it’s high time we gave them what they want!"

What this amounts to is a nationwide baby drop—or, more accurately, a series of baby drops. The mechanics of such an event are conceptually simple: local women’s groups organize and get out the word where and when a drop is to take place. Then, all interested women go to the arranged drop point and leave their unwanted babies there. From there, the babies are distributed to all those organizations and individuals who have expressed such a strong desire to have them: local neighborhoods and parking lots are scoured for motor vehicles with anti-abortion bumper stickers—one baby is left on the hood of the vehicle for each sticker. If any babies are left over, they are left at the doors of the local Catholic and other anti-choice churches and organizations in direct proportion to the amount of anti-abortion rhetoric they disseminate. The benefit of this approach is that the women themselves have no idea where their unwanted children end up, making it next to impossible for well-meaning authorities to return the children to their reluctant mothers without extensive—and expensive—DNA testing. Women who do not have access to support organizations are encouraged to take matters into their own hands and clandestinely leave their unwanted progeny on appropriate cars and doorsteps. While it is safe to assume that leaving the child on the hood of a car bearing a Rush Limbaugh or George W. Bush bumper sticker is a good bet, leaving it on a minivan is taboo unless said minivan sports an appropriate anti-abortion bumper sticker. If in doubt, women should just unload their unwanted bundles at the door of the nearest Republican residence or office or Catholic rectory. And each woman will be able to walk lightheartedly away knowing that, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the child she didn’t want will be welcomed with open arms as a gift from God and given a good Christian education.

Dr. Owens applauds the justice of the baby drop movement, "In a truly just system, birth control and abortion would rest solely in the hands of the woman herself—not even a doctor should be involved. Contrary to popular opinion, women do not take reproduction lightly and are up to the challenge of deciding for themselves whether or when to have a child. Since America steadfastly denies us such sovereignty—and since we women are losing our few rights left, right, up, down, and sideways—this seems like the most equitable solution. It’s bad enough that they want to mandate pregnancy—which is far more complex than being merely forty weeks of mandatory organ donation—but we cannot allow them to force us to be mothers, too. If they want to be responsible for our pregnancies, then they’d damned well better accept responsibility for the children that come out of it! Let them enjoy what their choices have bought them if it's so important for them to deny the rest of us our choice. Hopefully, it will teach them the folly of their ways and convince them to get their noses out of other people’s private business; if not, then, at least we as women won’t be the perpetual all-around losers."

Our Raisin Debtor*
(or, just who are these crazy Scallion people, anyway?!??)

This small, grassroots publication fills an apparently primal need to have our voices heard. Day by day, we Americans watch as our basic rights and freedoms erode, succumbing to the power of greed and the weakness of complacency. Even basic civil rights made law in the U.S. Constitution over a generation ago are not immune from impending repeal—worse, many were never even enforced. (Surprised? Go find a female professional and ask how frequently she receives equal pay for equal work.) Because these laws are in place, everyone assumes that society has eradicated those particular problems, making the laws irrelevant. Regrettably, the inequity is alive and well. We have experienced it first hand, and we cannot sit idly by. We vote, but the contest is fixed. We write to presidents, congress, and church leaders, but our pleas for justice are assiduously ignored. We sign poll after poll, but the authorities have eagerly proven themselves equally capable of eschewing us in numbers. With dead seriousness, we observe the injustices rampant in our potentially great nation and planet, and it cuts us to the quick that those in the greatest positions of power—including those in our employ—refuse to give us the time of day.

On a less global scale, we have witnessed the erosion of our language, American English, as the decades march by. Twenty-five years ago, it was a rare and laughable occurrence to find a misspelling or punctuation error in the morning newspaper; today, it is equally uncommon to find a single sentence well crafted, let alone an entire article. Not even the teachers know how to speak or write the language any more! Where does that leave this and future generations of our children? Are we doomed to fulfill Orwell’s dystopic prophecy of newspeak?

Desperate, we turn to satire.

But, what outlet is there for our frustrated if droll scribblings? Well, don’t even think of submitting to the Onion®: they categorically refuse even to eyeball any and all submissions not specifically solicited by themselves. Drat, skunked again! But never say die: like Diogenes holding his lamp aloft in search of an honest man, we plodded on in search of our own soapbox.

Thus, from the ashes of our expectations, the Scallion was born.

Make no mistake, we have no intention of competing with the Onion®; in fact, we enjoy that publication immensely. At best, we hope to supplement its pungency with our own (culinarily speaking, perhaps the Garlic would have been a more apropos name for our publication). At worst, we’re not above, oh, spoofing the writers and editors occasionally when we feel they’ve missed the boat on some issue (just check out the colon article—hint, hint). Thus, if the style of our articles feels oddly familiar, just remember: the Scallion is a newspaper that spoofs, among other things, newspapers—so, it would be wholly inappropriate to use our Sunday-best prose!

Our readers may also rest assured that, satire and protests notwithstanding, we of the Scallion are as patriotic, faithful, and optimistic as they come. We spoof government, church, and industry not because we wish to see them abolished—we spoof them because we see all too clearly their incredibly vast potential for good … to become instruments of widespread global progress. These giants are uniquely poised to effect justice all over the world, yet, day after day and year after year, they inevitably follow the same well-worn, self-serving paths. Perhaps, in laughing at them, we can teach them to laugh at themselves. Perhaps, in laughing at themselves, they may yet learn to reach out and serve rather than take.

Cross your fingers … and read on!

*Although we do indeed know how to spell “raison d’être,” this pun was simply too deliciously awful to resist …