Greetings, fellow Freedom Fighters™ and Defenders of Democracy™!Today, we bring you news to use from our information clearinghouse.
You won't want to miss multiple Center for American Progress reports of John McCain's hypocrisy -- or his pro-Bush posturing to send more troops into Iraq while every military expert of note is recommending bringing our troops home.
You won't want to miss multiple reports of the dangers of the Bush lame duck presidency with its partner in rubber-stamping evil and destruction: the lame duck neocon Congress.
"Democracy Now!" serves up some real eye-openers, among them a debate with Dennis Kucinich and an arrogant neocon who attacks his opponents rather than their arguments and who quotes "facts" that are just as out of touch with reality as George W. Bush. DN! also presents a wonderful interview with Alice Walker, a true American hero. Read in DN! about the UCLA campus rent-a-cop storm troopers who, under rules far less stringent than their civil police counterparts, repeatedly tasered a student -- who was already hand-cuffed!
We of The Scallion beg each of our Readers to make and keep the pledge to hold our newly-elected Democratic leadership accountable for holding Bush and the neocons accountable. We must hold the Democrats' feet to the fire: we elected them to office with the mandate to carry out our will for the benefit of the nation and the world.
Keep the faith and keep fighting: together, we WILL win our nation back!
Recommended linksRuss Feingold: Bush is the dangerous lame duck Ball: Andrew Young and Jesse Jackson flout MLK Jr.’s life and message
From our information clearinghouseThese are items we receive from the countless mailing lists to which The Scallion collectively subscribes. They are worth the effort of at least a good skim.
From AlterNetEvangelical Group's Motto: Breed to SucceedBy Kathryn Joyce, The Nation
Women in the "Quiverfull" movement are kept at home -- away from the evils of feminism -- where they birth armies of God
Bechtel Bails on IraqBy Antonia Juhasz, AlterNet
After making billions and then pulling out of Iraq, the company has big plans for raking in more lucre in Bush's Middle East Free Trade Area.
Is There a 'Middle Ground' on Choice?By Julian Sanchez, Campus Progress
Finding a "compromise" on abortion is a bad idea, no matter what certain prominent Democrats say.
Bush Admin. Gives Vets the ShaftBy Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy in Focus
A growing number of ill-prepared and under-funded clinics are tasked with caring for our nation's vets, and Bush is turning a blind eye.
Pelosi's San Francisco ValuesBy Will Durst, AlterNet
Conservatives can hardly say the new Speaker's name without talking about her alarming Bay Area values. But what does that mean?
Late Night Comedians spin the election [VIDEO]By Evan Derkacz
NY Times wouldn't know a populist...if one got electedBy Joshua Holland
Joshua Holland: What a wildly muddled political discourse we have.
UPDATED: White powder terrorist of Jon Stewart, Letterman, Pelosi...By Evan Derkacz
Is a Coulter, Malkin, Ingraham fan(atic)...
Was Republican corruption the tipping point?By Don Hazen
Don Hazen: Forget conventional wisdom for a moment and look at the numbers...
Working families now guaranteed a raise from DemocratsBy Bob Geiger
Senate GOP no longer has votes to deny increase in minimum wage
Lame duck Senate session starts todayBy Bob Geiger
Bob Geiger: Senate power dynamic has changed considerably in just a few weeks
Is Overachieving Bad for Girls?By Courtney E. Martin, AlterNet
A new book praises hyper-achieving 'alpha girls.' But their behavior may be symptomatic of a larger trend in outwardly high-achieving and inwardly self-hating young women.
Latino Backlash Could Doom GOPBy Roberto Lovato, New America Media
This election showed Republicans' staunch anti-immigration stance is finally coming back to haunt them.
Palestinian Women Pay Health Toll at CheckpointsBy Brenda Gazzar, Women's eNews
Strict security measures at Israeli checkpoints have claimed the lives of at least four pregnant women and 34 newborns.
US: Wanted for Crimes Against the PlanetCenter for American Progress
World leaders recognize that time is running out to halt global warming, but the next Congress needs understand just how high the stakes really are.
Voters Demand End to Abramoff EraBy David Donnelly, Public Campaign Action Fund
Blaming lobbyists for corrupt lawmakers is not enough; the Democrats must act on the public's mandate to clean up Congress.
Borat getting sued by Gypsies & frat boys... [VIDEO]By Evan Derkacz
'Do not let a woman EVER, ever, make you who you are.'
Olbermann on Coulter's Anthrax boy [VIDEO in Two Parts]By Evan Derkacz
What exactly is the responsibility of right wing media?
UPDATE: GOP resuscitates racist Lott [VIDEO]By Evan Derkacz
Reacquaint yourself with the new Senate minority whip...
The Media's Crush on Karl Rove Isn't OverBy Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America
Even though Karl Rove's fingerprints are all over the Republicans' huge losses this November, the media still treats him like Washington's biggest genius.
Top 10 People Most Affected by Election 2006By Nomi Prins, AlterNet
Rummy gets the boot and Paris Hilton gets richer.
Impeachment Challenge From AlterNet and Readers WriteBy Don Hazen, AlterNet
An invitation to join AlterNet's impeachment campaign and a collection of important reader responses to Tim Dickinson's article 'So You Want to Impeach.'
Will Dems Protect Americans' Right to Sue?By Stephanie Mencimer,
Lobbyists and are gearing up once again to push for tort reforms in Washington. Will the Dems cave in to their demands?
'Stealth' Bush Appointee Worries About Wayward WivesBy moiv, Talk To Action
The Religious Right's man in Boston is set to become Bush's man for the nation ...
Breaking: Police 'Tase' UCLA student apparently without cause [VIDEO]By Evan Derkacz
But was any regulation broken?
Delta kicks woman off plane for breastfeedingBy Evan Derkacz
Delta Delta Delta, official airline of the 19th Century.
Jack Abramoff's last emailBy Lindsay Beyerstein
Disgraced super-lobbyist says it's okay if nobody wants to visit him in jail.
Young Borrowers Face A Life of DebtBy G. Pascal Zachary, AlterNet
Veteran TV journalist and media critic Danny Schechter's new film, "In Debt We Trust," shows us how financial insecurity has become a staple of American life.
Death by Taser: The Killer Alternative to GunsBy Silja J.A. Talvi, In These Times
Long touted as a safer alternative to handguns for law enforcement, tasers are potentially deadly weapons that have a growing history of abuse by police and security guards.
Time for Another Body Count in IraqBy Sheldon Rampton, PR Watch
Critics of the Lancet study suggesting hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq since the 2003 invasion should call for additional, independent studies that could provide a scientific basis for either confirming or refuting its alarming findings.
Ollie North Returns to NicaraguaBy Greg Grandin, AlterNet
With the election of former Sandanista leader Daniel Ortega as president, Nicaragua shows its refusal genuflect to Washington's commands, and that makes Cold Warriors like Ollie North furious.
Is Rove the Next to Go? [VIDEO]By Evan Derkacz
What's Jack Abramoff got to do with it?
Netanyahu cries: "Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!"By Evan Derkacz
Israel's former-PM pushes war on Iran
Bush's Desire for a Conflict With Iran Is A Crisis Made in IsraelBy Scott Ritter, Nation Books
One must recognize the role that the Holocaust plays on the psyche of Israel to understand why it would never tolerate a nuclear Iran.
The Dem Congress Must Save the InternetBy Timothy Karr,
The debate over net neutrality pits the special interests of the few against a massive grassroots effort.
From the Center for American ProgressGOOD NEWS
Michael J. Fox rocked out with Sheryl Crow and Axl Rose at a Beatles-themed fundraiser in Manhattan on Saturday night and
raised more than $5 million for his
Foundation for Parkinson's Research.
STATE WATCHOHIO: Former coin dealer and Bush fundraiser Tom Noe was convicted yesterday and now faces a "minimum of 10 years in prison on charges of racketeering, money laundering, forgery and tampering with records."
OREGON: State senator outsources speeches to India.
RACE: Racial disparities persist and, by some measures, are growing.
BLOG WATCHTHINK PROGRESS: Newsweek: 2006 election was "in no uncertain terms" an endorsement of former President Bush.
COALITION FOR DARFUR: Sudan signals it may be open to some form of U.N. intervention.
MEDIA MATTERS: MSNBC's Keith Olbermann gets credit for network's rating boost.
FEMINISTING: Missouri government panel links abortion to increased illegal immigration.
DAILY GRILL"I don't believe it's correct to say that [Saddam Hussein's] ties to terrorists have been discredited. There were numerous links between Iraqi intelligence and various terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda. Those have been documented. And I frequently hear people say that there's no evidence. It's simply wrong. I've seen the evidence."
-- Prominent neoconservative Richard Perle,
"Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa'ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qa'ida to provide material or operational support. ... No postwar information suggests that the Iraqi regime attempted to facilitate a relationship with bin Ladin."
-- Senate Intelligence Committee report,
9/8/06, p.105
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) "called Tuesday for
extending health care access to up to 90,000 uninsured children as a step toward coverage for all Minnesotans."
STATE WATCHOHIO: A federal appeals court ruled that "women must get a doctor's counseling before an abortion, but reject[ed] a regulation that gave minors only one chance to avoid a parental consent requirement."
OREGON: "Oregonians say 'no, but yes' to limits on campaign contributions."
BALLOT WATCH: The double-edged sword of ballot initiatives.
BLOG WATCHTHINK PROGRESS: Former President Bush blames "bloggers" for "ugly" political climate.
TPM MUCKRAKER: Disgraced ex-Rep. Bob Ney admits to lobbying then HUD Secretary Mel Martinez.
SALON: New film, "
Iraq In Fragments," gets rave reviews.
PROSPECT: Iran hawks launch Iran Enterprise Institute.
DAILY GRILL"I'm confident that
we are making tremendous progress in hunting down and killing the murderers of Islamic fascism,
in stabilizing the democratic governments of Afghanistan and Iraq and in winning the generational struggle that is the War on Terror."
-- Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist,
"And, clearly, number one, the fact that we were not winning in Iraq dominated, and people just want change."
-- Frist,
11/13/06, stating that we're not winning in Iraq
Several progressive documentary films, including Al Gore's
An Inconvenient Truth, the Dixie Chicks movie
Shut Up and Sing, and
The War Tapes, are "among the 15 movies
shortlisted for a 2007 Best Documentary Oscar."
STATE WATCHDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: "D.C. moves to become pioneer in forcing 'green' construction."
SOUTH DAKOTA: "A state senator accused of sexual misconduct with an 18-year-old page resigned Tuesday...[but] intends to show up for the new South Dakota legislative term that begins in January."
MASSACHUSETTS: Foes of same-sex marriage, led by Gov. Mitt Romney (R), will rally Sunday at the State House.
EDUCATION: "Most students in big cities lag badly in basic science."
BLOG WATCHTHINK PROGRESS: As Bush goes to Vietnam, White House website displays the wrong flag.
TALKING POINTS MEMO: Bush's "new" four-point Iraq strategy.
FEMINISTING: Pakistan's lower house ends the death penalty for extramarital sex, and revises clause making victims produce four witnesses to prove rape cases.
UNCLAIMED TERRITORY: Al Qaeda and Afghanistan -- together again.
DAILY GRILL"I believe that there are a lot of things that we can do to salvage this, but they all require the presence of additional troops."
-- Sen. John McCain (R-AZ),
"Senator McCain, I met with every divisional commander, General Casey, the core commander, General Dempsey, we all talked together. And I said, in your professional opinion, if we were to bring in more American troops now, does it add considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq? And they all said no."
-- CentCom commander Gen. John Abizaid,
"Pakistan's National Assembly has voted to
amend its controversial rape laws, which require accusers to produce four male witnesses or face prosecution themselves for engaging in illegal sex."
STATE WATCHILLINOIS: Parents give a chilly reception to a "picture book about two male penguins raising a baby penguin."
GEORGIA: Will Georgia restrict all abortions?
OREGON: More than a year after sending National Guard troops to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina, "the state is still waiting to be reimbursed the $2.7 million it spent to cover salary and expenses."
BLOG WATCHTHINK PROGRESS: Bill O'Reilly blasts O.J. interview, falsely claims "Fox Broadcasting has nothing to do with Fox News."
MEDIA MATTERS: ABC Vice President presented with "Freedom of Expression Award" at right-wing film festival for her role in pushing The Path to 9/11.
HOMELAND SECURITY WATCH: Time to free the Congressional Research Service.
DAILY GRILL"Hypocrisy, my friends, is the most obvious of political sins. And the people will punish it."
-- Sen. John McCain,
"Potential presidential candidate John McCain says he longer considers evangelist Jerry Falwell to be one of the "agents of intolerance" that he criticized during a previous White House run."
-- AP,
Net neutrality
proponents "believe that the recent change in Congress is likely to
boost their efforts to push legislation that would prohibit tiered access to the Internet."
STATE WATCHILLINOIS: The Chicago Sun-Times: Raise the state minimum wage.
MASSACHUSETTS: Gov. Mitt Romney (R) "said yesterday that he would ask the Supreme Judicial Court to override the Legislature and let voters decide whether to ban same-sex marriage."
NEW JERSEY: Remembering the Newark riots.
BLOG WATCHTHINK PROGRESS: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) admits that sending more troops would " terrible" for the military, risks "broken Army"
E&P: Frank Rich hits the media's post-election "fictional story line."
DAILY DISH: New administration family-planning appointee "authored this
power-point on how too much sex causes brain damage."
HUFF POST: Pentagon launches web site honoring Rumsfeld's accomplishments, such as "liberating 50 million people."
DAILY GRILL"[C]ertainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations."
-- Sen. John McCain (R-AZ),
"I do believe that it's very likely or possible that the Supreme Court should -- could overturn Roe v. Wade, which would then return these decisions to the states, which I support."
-- McCain,
From CodePink -- send YOUR housewarming gift to our new DEMOCRATIC lawmakers TODAY!We are still glowing from the results of last week's election. What a beautiful victory for the peace movement. Thank you again for giving peace a vote, for telling Washington we need to change the course both at home and in Iraq. Our work is far from done, however. Now that we've cleaned House, we need to urge our representatives to clean up the mess the Republican Congress has left behind. They need to know we will continue to vote for peace every single day with our words and actions. Peace may begin at home, but the end to war begins in the House, and we can't let them forget that.
We have crafted a fun CODEPINK House Warming gift for you to share with your representative as the new Congress convenes. Our digital hot pink cross-stitch will remind your Congressperson that "Our House Will Be a Very Very Very Fine House When We Bring the Troops Home."
Email your House Warming gift. You can also print the cross-stitch and send it by fax, mail, or frame it and bring it directly to your representative's local office (click here to find your rep's contact info). If you choose to deliver the gift in person, alert the press first and try to get some media attention when you bring the framed cross-stitch to the office; you can also schedule a meeting at that time to encourage your Congressperson to represent the will of the voters and end the war in Iraq.
Along with our cross-stitch, please send your representative a copy of the Mandate For Peace. CODEPINK is partnering with dozens of peace and community groups, including Global Exchange, True Majority, Gold Star Families for Peace, and Iraq Veterans Against War, to launch this exciting post-election campaign.
The Mandate for Peace sets forth this call to keep Congress on its toes:
--We insist that the newly elected Congress, in its earliest days in office, pass legislation requiring the prompt removal of all US troops from Iraq and discontinue funding for military purposes in Iraq except the safe withdrawal of all U.S. forces.
--Additionally, Congress should: - Make real its existing stated commitment to no permanent US military bases in Iraq.
- Support an Iraqi-led reconciliation process to shape a peaceful post-occupation transition.
- Investigate and punish companies engaged in illegal war profiteering.
- Commit significant funds to the reconstruction of Iraq, under the control and direction of Iraqis.
- Provide funding for full benefits, adequate healthcare, and other support for returning servicemen and women.
- Make every effort possible to ensure the peaceful resolution of conflicts with Iran and North Korea.
You can sign the Mandate for Peace Petition here; be sure to share it with your friends and family, as well.
This is such an exciting time for the peace movement. Let's continue to find creative ways to spread peace, to speak in one voice as a people. Together, we can help make our House a very very very fine House indeed.
With gratitude, hope and fresh resolve,
Andrea, Anedra, Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Laura, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Patricia, Rae, Samantha, and Sonia
P.S. Mark your calendar--we are bringing the Mandate for Peace to Washington, D.C. on Saturday, January 27, with a massive march to call on Congress to take immediate action to end the war. Gather your pink gear and join us for a powerful and inspiring event!
From Democracy Now!* War Crimes Suit Filed in Germany Against Rumsfeld, Other Top U.S.
Officials Over Prisoner Torture *
Attorneys with the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a war crimes
lawsuit today in Germany against outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,
and other high-ranking U.S. officials, for their role in the torture of
prisoners in Iraq and Guantanamo. We go to Berlin to speak with CCR
president Michael Ratner.
listen/watch/read* Torture Suit Star Witness, Fmr. Abu Ghraib Head Janis Karpinski Points to
Signed Rumsfeld Memo Listing Harsh Interrogation Techniques *
A group of lawyers filed a lawsuit today calling on German prosecutors to
investigate outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for allegedly
sanctioning torture. We go to Berlin to speak with former Brigadier General
Janis Karpinski, who served as the commanding officer at Abu Ghraib. She is
the highest-ranking US military officer reprimanded over the Abu Ghraib
prisoner abuse scandal.
Listen/Watch/Read* Plaintiff in Suit Against Rumsfeld Subjected to Sexual, Religious
Humiliation at Guantanamo *
Guantanamo prisoner Mohammedal-Qahtani is among the plaintiffs named in a
war crimes lawsuit filed in Germany today against outgoing Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld. Attorneys with the Center for Constitutional Rights accuse
Rumsfeld of being directly involved in the brutal interrogation of
al-Qahtani. We speak with his al-Qahtani's attorney, Gita Gutierrez.
Listen/Watch/Read* Corporate Propaganda Still On the News: Study Finds Local Stations
Overwhelmingly Fail to Disclose VNRs *
A new study by the Center for Media and Democracy says Americans are still
being shown corporate public relations videos disguised as news reports on
newscasts across the country. In April, the Center identified 77 stations
using Video News Releases in their newscasts. The findings led to an
investigation by the FCC. A followp-up study has found 10 of those stations
are still airing VNRs today for a total of 46 stations in 22 states.
Listen/Watch/Read* Headlines for November 14, 2006 *
- Justice Dept: Immigrants Can Be Indefinitely Held Without Trial
- War Crimes Suit Filed Against Rumsfeld in Germany
- Up to 150 Kidnapped Iraq Research Institute
- Sen. Levin: "We Cannot Save the Iraqis from Themselves"
- Bush Calls For Worldwide Isolation of Iran
- Blair: Partnership With Iran Could Help Calm Iraq Violence
- House Passes the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act
- Danish Journalists On Trial For Reporting Iraq Had No WMDs
- Bush: Nation Should Be Proud Elections Were Held in Time of War
- Wole Soyinka Heads Citizens Tribunal on Sudan
- Groundbreaking Held for MLK Memorial in Washington
* Out of Iraq or More Troops? A Debate on Withdrawal with Fmr. Senator
George McGovern, Congressman Dennis Kucinich and AEI's Joshua Muravchik *
As leading Democrats call on President Bush to soon begin withdrawing U.S.
troops from Iraq some Republicans are calling on more troops to be deployed.
We host a debate on the issue with former Democratic presidential candidate
and South Dakota senator, George McGovern, Ohio Congressmember Dennis
Kucinich and the American Enterprise Institute's Joshua Muravchik.
Listen/Watch/Read* Battle Brewing in Congress as Bush Admin Seeks Closure of Iraq
Reconstruction Corruption Monitor *
A new battle is brewing in Congress over how the US government monitors the
billions of dollars it spends on the reconstruction of Iraq. Leading
Congressional Republicans recently passed legislation that would close the
Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. The special
agency has uncovered several cases of waste and abuse, and has helped indict
several American officials on charges of corruption.
Listen/Watch/Read* Headlines for November 15, 2006 *
- US Accused of Killing 30 Iraqis in Ramadi
- Iraq: 40 Hostages Released from Baghdad Education Min.
- US Soldier to Plead Guilty in Iraq Rape, Murder Case
- Israeli Killed by Palestinian Rocket
- Mexican Protesters Target Wal-Mart
- South African Parliament OKs Gay Marriage
- Abramoff Begins Prison Sentence
* Argentine Torture Survivor Patricia Isasa Returns to Police Station Where
She Was Imprisoned and Abused *
Patricia Isasa was 16 years old in 1976 when she was kidnapped by Argentine
police and soldiers. She was tortured and held prisoner without trial for
two and a half years. Before she joins thousands heading to Fort Benning,
Georgia to protest what used to be called the School of the Americas, Isasa
joins us in our firehouse studio to tell her story and of her lifelong
campaign to bring her torturers to justice.
Listen/Watch/Read* LA Times Editor and Publisher Forced Out For Resisting Job Cuts: A Look at
the Effects of Media Consolidation on America's Newsrooms *
In an effort to cut costs, the owners of many of the nation's newspapers are
slashing the amount of money spent on reporting and laying off staff. Most
notably at the Los Angeles Times where the paper's publisher and its top
editor Dean Baquet were ousted after publicly they defied calls by
executives at Tribune Company to eliminate more newsroom positions.
Listen/Watch/Read* Headlines for November 16, 2006 *
- Report: Bush Admin Plans "Last Big Push" in Iraq
- Top US Commander Rejects Troop Withdrawal, Increase
- Rep. Lantos Calls for North Korea Talks
- 1st Soldier Pleads Guilty in Iraq Rape, Murder Case
- Marine Sentenced to 18 Months in Murder of Iraqi Civilian
- Kabila Declared Winner in Congo Election
- Pakistan Curbs Islamic Jurisdiction Over Rape Crimes
- Trent Lott Returns to Senate Leadership
* Inner Light in a Time of Darkness: A Conversation with Author and Poet
Alice Walker
A renowned author, poet and activist, Alice Walker is perhaps best known for
her book "The Color Purple" for which she won the Pulitzer Prize in 1983.
She was the first African-American woman to win the Pulitzer for fiction.
Alice Walker joins us in our firehouse studio to talk about her latest work,
"We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For."
Listen/Watch/Read* Acclaimed Chilean Novelist Isabel Allende on Michele Bachelet, Immigration
and Chile as a "Country of Poets" *
Chilean novelist Isabel Allende is a prolific writer with 15 books in just
over two decades. Her works have been translated to more than 27 languages
and have hit best-seller lists around the world. She joins us to discuss her
latest work, "Ines of My Soul," the centuries-long struggle of the
indigenous people of Chile, the significance of Chilean president Michele
Bachelet, immigration and much more.
Listen/Watch/Read* Headlines for November 17, 2006 *
- Soldier Sentenced to 90 Years in Iraq Rape, Murder Case
- US Air Strikes on Afghanistan Top 2,000 in Six Months
- Victims' Families Reject Pinochet Meeting Request
- Agreement Could Bring 27,000 Troops to Darfur
- Oaxaca Protest Leaders Dismiss Will Murder Allegations
- Pelosi Wins House Speaker, Hoyer is House Majority Leader
- Senate Approves US-India Nuclear Deal
- Leading HMO Charged With Hospital Dumping
EXCLUSIVE...Jordanian Student Acquitted in 9/11 Perjury Case Recounts FBI
Intimidation and Mistreatment
Jordanian immigrant Osama Awadallah was acquitted of federal charges Friday
that he lied to a grand jury investigating the September 11th attacks. In a
Democracy Now! exclusive, Awadallah joins us live in our firehouse studio to
talk about his arrest, detention and much more. We also discuss the
specifics of the case with his attorney, Sarah Kunstler.
Listen/Watch/Read Police Repeatedly Taser Handcuffed Student For Refusal to Show ID,
University Orders Outside Probe
Officials at the University of California in Los Angeles are launching an
independent investigation into campus police officers' repeated shocking of
an Iranian-American student with a Taser stun gun. The student was
handcuffed the entire time. The incident was captured on video has and
sparked outrage across his campus and the country.
Listen/Watch/Read Mike Alcalay 1941 - 2006: Doctor Who Lived With AIDS for Over 20 Years
Dies of Leukemia
Dr. Mike Alcalay, a longtime AIDS activist, died Saturday in Oakland
California of leukemia. He was the medical director of a free medical
marijuana clinic in Oakland. Alcalay lived with AIDS for over 20 years and
was a medical marijuana patient himself. He was also a pediatrician and
Vietnam veteran. We speak with his brother, Glenn.
Listen/Watch/Read* Headlines for November 20, 2006 *
- Report: Cheney Resisting CIA Assessment Iran Not Seeking Nukes
- 110 Killed in Iraq Violence; Health Minister Kidnapped
- Kissinger: Iraq Victory Impossible
- Groups Oppose Renewing Indonesian Military Aid
- Palestinian Gathering at Targeted Home Prevents Israeli Airstrike
- UN Humanitarian Chief Barred from Darfur
- Protest Thousands Turn Out for Annual School of Americas Protest
- Rangel to Introduce Legislation Renewing Military Draft
From Democrats.comImpeachment By Spring: Here's The Plan
The case for impeaching Bush and Cheney is overwhelming, and 51% of Americans think Democrats should investigate and impeach them.
But Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi insists impeachment is "off the table."
We can put it back "on the table" by mobilizing the 51% majority that supports impeachment into a powerful grassroots lobbying force.
Here is our plan:
Collect 1 Million Signatures on our Impeachment Petition
In the first 3 days we have collected over 6,000 signatures on our Petition to Impeach Bush and Cheney.
Please sign here
and forward the petition to your friends.
Then print copies of our simplified impeachment petition
and collect signatures from friends, co-workers, and neighbors.
When you're finished collecting, keypunch the email addresses into our form to ask the signers to complete the full petition online
Form 435 Congressional District Impeachment Committees (CDIC)
There are 435 Congressional Districts for the House of Representatives, and we'd like to form Impeachment Committees in each one.
Congressional District Impeachment Committees will:
1. Collect petitions (see above)
2. Write letters and op-eds to local papers
3. Meet directly with Representatives to persuade them to support impeachment
4. Organize Town Hall meetings (see below)
Check to see if someone has already created a CDIC in your Congressional District, otherwise start one yourself
Hold Impeachment Events on December 10: Human Rights and Impeachment Day
December 10 is Human Rights Day, and this year we're making it Human Rights and Impeachment Day. Slogan: "Putting Impeachment on the Table."
We encourage you to organize a town hall forum or rally on this day for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
You can create a public listing of your event here. You will be able to communicate with the people who sign up for your event, and to edit the listing for your event, changing or filling in details later.
You can view existing events and sign up to attend one here.
Here is a list of available speakers with their contact info.
Be sure also to invite your Congress Member or newly elected future Congress Member to speak.
Here are resources that will make your event easy and effective.
Pass State and Local Resolutions
Pass impeachment resolutions in your town or city, state, political party, or labor union. Use the petitioning (above) to build a list of local supporters:
Be a Media Activist
Work the media for impeachment:
Talking Points and Other Resources to Assist You
Audio and Video from Launch of ImpeachForChange in Philadelphia on Veterans Day
Our event was a great success, with outstanding speakers and bloggers.
Here is video:
Here is audio:
We Now Have Shirts With Long Sleeves
Invite the Bush Chain Gang to Your Town
Reduce fear and roadside trash: put them to work.
Forward this message to everyone you know!
If you received this from a friend, you can subscribe at:
From HuffPo From
Time Magazine Cover From December 23, 2002...
In 2002, Senator Trent Lott (R-Miss.) was forced to step down as Senate Majority Leader after he made racist comments implying he was in favor of segregation at a birthday party for former Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC), who once ran for President on a segregationist platform.
Monday night, Lott announced his plan to run for Minority Whip, which would place him in the number two position among Senate Republicans. Although Lott has remained quiet about his intention to seek a leadership position,
The Hill newspaper noted, "Few on Capitol Hill would second-guess Lott's prowess at backroom maneuvering."
Click here to read more.
Click here to discuss it on HuffPost.
On AOL News...Jesse Jackson Driven to Tears: History Made in Nation's CapitalON THE BLOG TODAY
Arianna Huffington:
TIME's Person of the Year: My Fallback SuggestionsRep. John P. Murtha:
Dear Democratic Colleague...Barbara Kopple:
Shut up and Sing, and TransformationFlavia Colgan:
Murtha v. Hoyer: It Comes Down to Authenticity
Exerpted From Lawrence O'Donnell's Blog:
...The MSM loves the image of Rove as genius almost as much as Rove does, but, showing no embarrassment for their years of dutiful transcribing of Rove's notion that he was building a permanent Republican majority, they are now moving on to the first-woman-Speaker story in which the word genius has yet to appear. Which brings me to my next big prediction in answer to the question how long will the Democrats hold the House? This is a tricky one because so much turns on how good a Speaker Pelosi will be...
Click here to read more.
Sen. Russ Feingold: The Dangerous Lame Duck
Rep. John B. Larson: Why I Support Murtha for Majority Leader
Aziz Huq: Who Watches the Home Front?
Rep. Zoe Lofgren: The 2006 Elections Are Not Quite Over!
Excerpted From Rep. Dennis Kucinich's Blog:
I was one of those who organized the effort to stop the US from going to war against Iraq...
...Chief among those who saw the dramatically changing circumstances, and who had the courage not only to rethink Iraq, but to step forward publicly and declare his concerns, was Jack Murtha.
Jack Murtha's reconsideration of the Iraq War enabled many others who had voted for the war or otherwise supported it, to express their own doubts...
...This is the mark of someone who moves forward with courage, and strength through inclusion.
Click here to read more.
Marty Kaplan: Fact Is the New Fiction
James Pinkerton: Reagan Democrats Will Change America--And the World
Robert L. Borosage: The Signature 2006 Race: Sherrod Brown over Mike
DeWine in Ohio Senate Race
Bob Cesca: All The President's Tools
Excerpted From Arianna Huffington's Blog:
...I'm surprised that seniority as the be-all qualification for leadership still has so many ardent backers in Washington. Pelosi has made it clear that the highest priorities of the new Congress will be changing course in Iraq and the restoration of oversight. It is by these two yardsticks that she needs to decide who the Chair of the Intelligence Committee should be. And by nothing else.
Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a Democratic leader who would rather listen to the American people than to "everyone in Washington"?
Click here to read more.
Nora Ephron: O.J. Again
Aaron Belkin: McCain to Military: Homosexuality Not A Defect
Suzanne Nossel: Iraq: Facing the Truth, and Then What?
Paul Abrams: Growing Immorality, Creeping Complicity
From VoteTrustUSAElection Integrity News - November 14, 2006This Week's Quote: "According to the machine, Mr. Wooten did not vote for himself," Waldenberg, Arkansas Mayor William Wood, in reference to the fact that his opponent Randy Wooten had received 0 votes on the ES&S iVotronic machines used in last Tuesday's election.
So, you read down this far? Then we of The Scallion hereby reward you with something completely different!When Dan found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with.
So, one evening, he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away.
"I may look like just an ordinary man," he said as he walked up to her, "but in just a week or two, my father will die, and I'll inherit 20 million dollars."
Impressed, the woman went home with him that evening and ...
three days later, she became his stepmother.
The morale of the story: women are much smarter than men.