Social Contract for America
We as Americans enjoy a great deal of liberty compared to citizens in many other cultures. However, our relative freedoms do not give us the right to run roughshod over each other for our own convenience or gain. While our foundational documents guarantee us the rights to pursue livelihoods and happiness, they do not exhort us to seek excess wealth at the expense of those struggling to survive, and they do not pressure us to pursue wanton, hedonistic pleasure without regard to securing the lasting happiness of ourselves and those around us. By and large, an American society begotten by the “me” generation has forgotten that, for “me” truly to be happy, “I” must conduct “myself” according to a few ancient—spiritual—laws. In the hopes that a timely reminder may take root, sprout, and yield lasting results, The Scallion presents a Social Contract for America and invites all readers to sign this contract and share it with everyone they can.
Article the First: I pledge to treat others the way I want to be treated myself. This means that I shall not treat others the way I think I would be treated or the way I think they deserve to be treated unless this is how I would want to be treated in the same situation. I shall endeavor to be fully aware of those around me and to be considerate of them, confident in the knowledge that positive change begins with me. I shall strive to treat all others with respect and tolerance. If this seems too daunting a task, then I shall begin with simple acts of kindness to others at home, in the workplace, and on the roads. I shall spread this positive behavior to the best of my ability and patiently wait for others around me to catch on and begin spreading consideration, respect, tolerance, and kindness themselves. I understand that I can think globally and act locally. I understand that, together, we can make America a better place.
Article the Second: I pledge to ask what I can do for America, not what America can do for me. Daily, I see the nation being treated like a big dead animal carcass in the process of being carved up and carried off in chunks by large and small predators and scavengers. I believe that the future of America lies in its unity as a national community, and I will take each opportunity I can to promote the wellbeing of my country.
Article the Third: I pledge to hold those in authority accountable for their actions. I will vote with my pen, my feet, and my wallet every chance I get. With other Americans, I pledge to take my country back by getting involved and, most importantly, by voting.
That’s it, folks—short and sweet. Take the pledge and pass it on.