We of The Scallion sincerely thank BLOGGER SUCKS!!! for temporarily hosting this week's submission while Blogger was busy ... SUCKING! Our gentle Readers can thank Blogger for the delay in this week's post ... as well as for deigning to allow this post to occur at all. Better late than never? Or, perhaps, why do it right the first time when there's always someone else's time and money to spend fixing it later?
Enough Blogger-bashing—with no further ado, here are The Scallion's words of wit and wisdom for this woeful week!
For news you can use, remember to check out this short list of fine sources for news stories almost surely absent from the nation's mainstream commercial media:
http://www.jimhightower.com/ and the weblog http://hightower.fmp.com/weblog.php
http://www.prwatch.org/ and its archives http://www.prwatch.org/prwissues/index.html
From this week's “we hate it when satire becomes this prophetic” department ...
www.whitehouse.org recently had an article on its Landover Baptist Church sister site in which a pregnant woman who fell on her stomach during step exercises at the ladies' gym was convicted of murder and summarily condemned for failing to observe nine months of total bed rest during her pregnancy. In the great American tradition of truth stranger than fiction, a South Carolina court has convicted a woman of murder for delivering a stillborn child. See AlterNet for details on this all-too-frightening women-as-vessels precedent.
And now, for the week's top stories ...